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How Many Scouts Does it Take to Get from Lvl 1 to 20?

How Many Scouts Does it Take to Get from Lvl 1 to 20?
Posted 2021-09-27 10:30:54
I've never been able to properly record the data myself, but does anyone have any idea how many scouts it would take to go from Lvl 1 to 20 if you only scout the Glacier and/or Rainforest (since they give the most amount the exp out of all territories)?

Or, similarly, does anyone know how much exp you get exploring the Glacier/Rainforest based on your lvl? I could also figure it out that way.

Posted 2021-09-27 10:38:29
220-ish scouts. I keep records of how many scouts it takes my wolves to reach level 20. Not all of these are in the best zones, but I'm pretty sure Astrika (220), Sambal (220), and Zerii (218) were pure glacier/rainforest scouts.


Posted 2021-09-29 09:29:26 (edited)
Here is a WIP I made. Idk why it's in a wolfs bio haha
It only counts from level 12 upward but it does work for a rough estimate. And I also factored in the exp amount changes based on level too.

This was figured based on data and past scouts in the user log, I have yet to test it with new wolves to make sure it's fully accurate though


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