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Posted 2020-10-19 07:25:55

@lover - yes breeding is exactly that the puppies appearances are random of coarse and they age up eventually but I do have the infant bases done if you'd like to see one of the finished ones as an example (I have a few I'm withholding until I get more responses on this thread) as far as prices go would you be willing to help me out real quick ... I'm thinking about keeping the GC prices but lowering the SC to about 100 SC per 1 GC would that work out or should I go a but lower? ... again these prices wont stay of coarse just a temporary fix for the 'poor user' problem ;)


Posted 2020-10-19 07:31:38

@Hayster - Yeah! GC to SC is weird. What I've figured from playing the past few weeks is that GC is worth far less than Lioden's GB. It's like maybe 3GC to 1GB ratio. SC at the current moment is what players are looking for, so I'd say it's worth more that GC (ATM) So the GC prices are completely reasonable. SC prices would have to be a bit lower, like the 180sc I saw you had before I thought was really reasonable. Of course everything can change as soon as the economy is stable, but I think the prices from before were perfect. You can get that much from doing a daily quest, so more people will have access to that amount. And the adopts are stinking adorable, cute design. With more advertising I think you could totally get a bunch of people. Like the little Clown Fish girlie <3 she is so stinkin cute


Posted 2020-10-19 07:32:54

@lover - perfect then I'll just go back to my previous prices thanks or the help :)


Posted 2020-10-19 07:34:36 (edited)
@Hayster - Quite welcome, and actually - I'd love to take that clownfish girlie off your hands. She is so cute 


Posted 2020-10-19 07:39:10

@lover - ok just send in the payment whenever your ready and you'll find you new pup listed under our new pet directory here would you like to rename her or keep the original name?


Posted 2020-10-19 07:40:51

@Hayster - I like her name actually! and could I put her art on my profile (not taking credit ofc) and I'll send payment through trade, because there is literally no gifting system rn. 


Posted 2020-10-19 07:42:02
@lover - cool with me and yes feel free to post her where you like so long as credit is given ;) would you like to make the trade I would but I havent quite figured out trading yet lol


Posted 2020-10-19 07:42:41

@Hayster - I sent a private trade ! It's weird but you'll figure it out soon lol


Posted 2020-10-19 07:43:41

@lover - got it! thank you so much enjoy her and if you'd like I'll let you know when this place gets more foot traffic cause thats when things will start getting more active around here 


Posted 2020-10-19 07:49:19

@Hayster - Ofc. I would advertise for you, to help out. But it's not letting me. I did however link this topic in my profile 


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