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Naming litters

Naming litters
Posted 2021-09-11 01:44:57
I find the task of renaming every single pup from a litter tedious (if I'm not keeping them or can't come up with a real name on the spot), and sometimes I need them to have names in case I want to put pupsitters on specific ones or sell them etc. Therefore I had the idea, what if there was a way to decide a name for a litter before they're born?
Maybe the option could be in the nesting area?
So when the pups are born instead of "New puppy, New puppy, New largest puppy, New runt puppy, etc" you would see "Lucy pup, Largest Lucy pup etc" or "high stat pup, largest high stat pup," etc, or whatever you want your litter to be named. A variation could be if the pups automatically had their mothers name like this "New puppy Lucy" or something? I'm open to suggestions.
It's not necessary but if there's any relevant flavor text it could be implemented there too (though I can't think of any at the moment)


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