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Sell Crafted Decor to Raccoon

Sell Crafted Decor to Raccoon
Posted 2021-09-08 22:03:59
Title says it all! It recently came to my realization that I can't sell decor that I craft to the raccoon. With the new snake quests that require you to craft items, I'm sure I'm not the only one overflowing with crafted stuff.

I feel it's kind of necessary to be able to sell them to the raccoon. Selling on TC takes time and isn't guaranteed. Its making my hoard  cluttered with items I don't necessarily want. ^^"


Posted 2021-09-09 09:39:34
I think it makes sense for the raccoon to buy crafted decor at cost. (By "cost" I mean the equivalent cost of the materials. For instance, the raccoon buys arnica for 1 sc each, so an arnica flower crown made from 5 arnica would be worth 5 sc. The raccoon does not buy acorns, so decor made solely from acorns should also not be sellable.) That way, you can recoup your costs and clear out your inventory, but if you want any actual profit you've got to go to the TC.


Posted 2021-09-12 07:15:33
Support! I'd even be happy if they sold at less than the materials would, just so I can get something out of crafting the decors for the quest. Ideally they'd be the same as the materials would cost like Lionel suggested though!


Posted 2021-11-26 11:51:05
Support! Sometimes I don't want something but I'm stuck with it because I made it.

Posted 2022-04-16 02:27:05
Yes, please. I support this. I have a lot of unwanted bone decor. No one will buy this, no one will use this, but I keep having to craft something and it's often the easiest thing to do because bones aren't used for anything else. Please, for the love of all that is pretty, let me get rid of this somehow without just discarding it!


Posted 2022-04-16 12:50:48
Support, assuming that, as others have said, the decor isn't really that profitable


Posted 2022-04-19 16:42:10

Support! I'm overflowing in bone decor atm and no one wants to buy them from me (guessing everyone else is overflowing with the same decor lol!) would be nice if I could sell them to the raccoon, even if they don't sell for a lot.


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