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Tala encounter explaining lethal mutations

Tala encounter explaining lethal mutations
Posted 2021-09-08 11:29:23
Lethal mutations are very rare, and except brachy, come by with pure chance. It often happens that new players get lethals from random breedings, and do not know that these strange puppies will not live long. It would be great to add a Tala encounter, explaining lethal mutations to a player, how to get an immortal slot and a jellyfish and what these things do. This could be added to the turotial as some final words maybe.


Posted 2021-09-08 15:45:59
I support this! It's sad to see such rare wolves die becuase new players don't know how valuable they are.


Posted 2021-09-08 17:19:59
Support!  It would be good if an explanation like this could be triggered when a lethal enters a pack for the first time.


Posted 2021-09-08 17:23:57
Support! Would be helpful to newbies! :D


Posted 2021-09-08 18:54:15
It would be good if an explanation like this could be triggered when a lethal enters a pack for the first time.

I like this idea. I don't think it should be part of the regular tutorials because I think the regular tutorials are a little overwhelming as-is - there's so much info to remember (hunting roles! scouts! breeding males! befriending!) that a new player is likely to overlook/forget an explanation about lethals. Also, the chance of breeding a lethal is very rare. But on the chance that a new player does breed a lethal, they need to know asap to start gathering funds for a slot + jellyfish.


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