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――(Odd's Crafting Service) | New Recipes (Gyrfalcon Observer, Sentinel, etc.)

Posted 2021-12-16 18:33:09
Sweet! Thank you so much! Sending the items to your way!


Posted 2021-12-18 21:24:44
Bought two recipes today after skimming through the trading center! The new recipes we have are the Winterfat Trail and Arnica Meadow. Here's the necessary items to craft them:

Winterfat Trail
30 Winterfat

Arnica Meadow
30 Arnica

My current lead will be retiring next rollover, and I fortunately have a wonderful wolf planned to take his place. Boglach has helped find quite a few recipes during his time as the lead wolf, and I could only hope that my next lead carries on that luck! In addition to this, after having my pack living in the Mountains since I joined, I've now officially entered the Coniferous Forest as of yesterday! I plan to be staying here for quite a while, as the change of scenery has been very pleasant. This leads me on to something else: if anyone ever wants anything from the Raccoon Wares that is exclusive to the Coniferous Forest, let me know (through this thread, pms- whatever your preference is) and I can get it for you for the Raccoon Wares listed fee!

Thank you everyone for using this thread/service, and for reading this far. Happy holidays! <3


Posted 2021-12-20 14:20:34
I caved and bought another recipe at the trading center as a little early Christmas gift to myself because why not
We now have the Old Railway as a learned recipe! Here's what's needed to craft it:
15 Large Leaf
15 Large Rock
15 Large Branch

I'm not great with coding at all, but I'm considering changing the layout of the main post towards the new year. Maybe include a list of what recipes are left to learn, as well as a small image of what the learned recipes look like. I'm not sure how to do it yet, but I'm hoping I could figure it out to pretty up the post and make it as organized and efficient as possible. I apologize in advance if it doesn't work out as planned and I end up keeping the same format

If anyone has any suggestions for what I should add to this thread (recipes you'd like to see, or anything really!), please let me know! I'm always happy to hear feedback :)


Posted 2021-12-20 14:32:12
Sending for large rocks decor, foreground rocks brown and mossy branch decor :)


Posted 2021-12-20 14:50:01
I'll get them crafted right away <3


Posted 2021-12-20 14:53:38
Thank you!


Posted 2022-01-09 11:46:24
My lead found a recipe today! Cozy Den is now a learned recipe, and its recipe requires these items to craft:
10 Large Leaf
10 Large Rock
10 Large Branch


Posted 2022-01-09 11:57:27
Can i get lunar butterflies and lunar fur dust? :) sending the items now ~


Posted 2022-01-09 11:58:43
Of course! I'll get 'em crafted as soon as the trade is sent :)


Posted 2022-01-09 12:02:26
Sent! :)


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