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Whirl's Giveaways: Big Pride Giveaway!

Posted 2022-11-15 05:53:24

Posted 2022-11-15 08:35:20
I'd like to be included in the giveaway! I really like the wolf Sagittarius

Posted 2022-11-15 12:07:05
I like Jararacussu!

Posted 2022-11-15 19:33:06

Using a random number picker, here are the results!

And the winning number is...

1. CircleE #47324

The runner-up numbers are:
42, 28, 4, 3, 19, 15
42. Kiljara77 #105250
28. Yidhra #104380
4. Frisk #13714
3. Sunspot Forest #35648
19. BeanieBoopy #92026
And I decided to draw one more, which is:
15. HorseGurl #104158

Congratulations everyone! I will be sending out the prizes within the next hour. If you do not accept the gift and it expires naturally, it will be re-entered for someone else to win. For this reason, the entries list will be kept up in case anyone is too inactive to accept the gift.

I won't be doing another one of these anytime soon, at least not for a few months. Thank you to those who entered, and if you didn't win, there will always be a next time. :) Hope everyone enjoys their new SC and please put it to good use!

Also, I found the results for the most preferred wolf interesting. The tallies are:
Jararacussu: 21
Aimilios: 11
Sagittarius: 14

Jararacussu got the most votes, which I wasn't expecting! I love all these guys, but Jarara's my best boy, so I'm quite happy about that. Thank you all, it was super fun seeing everyone's explanations on why they preferred which wolf! I hope you all have a lovely day/night! :)


Posted 2022-11-15 19:39:17
heck yeah congrats everyone!!!


Posted 2022-11-15 22:21:02
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!


Posted 2022-11-15 22:53:45
Thank you very much!!!! WooooooHoooooo!!!!

Posted 2023-06-16 13:55:18
New giveaway, this is a bigger one. Please read the first page before entering! :)


Posted 2023-06-16 14:08:21
Something amazing that happened to me:
Yesterday, while exploring the Taiga, I got a lynx pelt trophy from a level 5 lynx. Pretty lucky!


Posted 2023-06-16 14:14:51
Something what makes me happy:
It was not very warm for the last few weeks but now we are having a lot of warm weather and sunshine. I love whenever its very warm outside. There is just so much you can do to enjoy this kind of weather. If its warm and not too hot I love to go outside into the woods or do a BBQ in the garden. If its very hot I love to go swimming inside a lake. Is just perfect for so many things.

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