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Raffle Stud Pack Leader Design Contest!

Posted 2021-08-05 02:26:13
May I present The Lunar Lead?

His design was meant to resemble the lunar night sky itself with black, lunar blue, selene blue, purple hues and white light like moon and stars.


Posted 2021-08-05 08:23:38
I'm a fan of a colourbomb wolf with a basic coat ^_^


Posted 2021-08-05 08:54:55
Behold, a spacey boy (unfortunately I've no idea how to include an image still but there's the link)

Posted 2021-08-05 09:28:03
I'd like to introduce Rainbeau.
He's pictured here with his bachelor "sons" in the background, howling for mates, and since he won't have any biological babies of his own, he's adopted some of the local orphans, seen here at his feet.

Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2021-08-05 11:10:42

Posted 2021-08-05 14:27:54
My design! Good luck everyone!


Posted 2021-08-05 14:32:08

I've had ideas for this for a while but never sat down and sorted through them until now! ^ ^" I didn't originally want to use a T3 base, but when I switched to Realgar something clicked and the whole design came together. Took some cues from some of my favourite wolves I own, I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Wardrobe link

Genetics (view image for better resolution):


Posted 2021-08-05 14:42:29
Awesome designs, enjoyed checking them out :)

Here is my entry. I was battling with a dilemma whether I want to go for lunar theme or natural and decided to go with the latter.

Design - wardrobe

Good luck to all :)


Posted 2021-08-05 14:45:51 (edited)

This was the best screenshot I could do.

Wardrobe Link: link

Posted 2021-08-05 14:47:18 (edited)
Here's my entry! Hope you like him!!
