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question about puppies

question about puppies
Posted 2021-07-19 08:25:16

hi, sorry, i have one question

are puppies useful if killed? like do they give u anything when they die?

cause yesterday i sold 2 puppies and i wanted to see them in their new homes and i discovered they are not existing anymore cause they have died.

since i would like to prevent this to happen again i would like to know infos about puppies deaths cause i really don't understand, why would the people who bought my 2 puppies just kill them? they also spent SM to buy them so i don't understand :(


Posted 2021-07-19 08:36:42

They could of just died. Perhaps they weren't given a pup sitter or their survival chance was just too low?


Posted 2021-07-19 08:47:17

A few other possibilities:

Maybe they were bought for an enclave quest, especially if you priced them lower than 25 sc. If you want to avoid this, don't price puppies lower than 25 sc.

Maybe they were bought as training fodder (i.e., they wanted to train them for the exp, but didn't actually want to keep the pup, so chased them afterwards).

Maybe the purchase turned out to be a mistake somehow. For instance, the buyer thought "This would make a good pairbond for ___" but after buying, checked the family tree and discovered they were related and it wouldn't work out, so didn't need them any more.


Posted 2021-07-20 01:10:20

oh ok. so many possibilities...

the pups were actually bought for 10 SM each so it is way lower then 25 SM so i guess the enclave quest is the most probable thing that happened to them...

well, thank u all very much for the infos, they were all really helpful! :)

just one more thing tho...

i sold those puppies for 10 SM cause they were basic and they didn't have anything special and i thought that nobody would have bought them if they were more expencive. Do u think i should have sold them for higher prices?

cause i have 17 more puppies to sell and i don't want to make the same mistakes again...


Posted 2021-07-20 05:12:03

I think it all comes down to how much you want to see them go to a good home or not.

If you want to just get rid of them and earn some currency while doing that, the fastest way to sell them is putting them on TC for 15-20 sc to be used as fodder or for the enclave quest. I sell my ugliest pups for 15sc and I usually manage to sell them in a couple of days.

Of course there is a high chance that your pups would be immediately deleted from the game.

If you want to see them go to a good home, then you should price them over 25sc as Lionel said (even if sometimes not even that save them from the enclave quest), but it will be way harder to sell them, especially because, as you said, your pups are pretty basic when it comes to markings and stats.

You can try to still price them lower than 25sc and add a little note in the trade where you ask not to use them as fodder/quest if possible, but not all players might be wanting to respect your wish and, once they have bought the pup, they are free to do whatever they want with them.

The only way I know to kinda be sure to see them go to a good home while selling them for cheap is to put them on sale when they turn adols, because adols can't be used for training/pupsitting exp/quests. I do that with those pups I really don't want to risk to see them deleted from the game.

Hope I was of help!


Posted 2021-07-20 05:33:40

Thank you, you sure were very helpful!!

i think i'll try one more time to sell my pups but at higher prices like you said so 15 or 20 SC maximum. if i see that people keep buying them to just delete them from the game i'll do as you suggested and i'll try to sell them when they are already adols.

Thank you very much for the help!!!! You clarified a lot of things to me, thank you!!!

have a nice day! ;)


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