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R&C Enclave Adoptions?

R&C Enclave Adoptions?
Posted 2021-07-15 07:51:17

Curious, do folks feel this is bad manners? I love the new enclave and adopted some puppies; two of them don't quite fit with my pack the way I hoped. Is it considered rude if I raise and then chase them? Would posting them up for trade be less rude? I realize this all comes down to the individual but even so.

Personally I enjoy seeing what happens to puppies I sell but don't have any particularly strong feelings about it if they disappear for whatever reason. in RP terms I just think of it as the puppy having completely left range of their original pack.


Posted 2021-07-15 08:28:08

The second a pup leaves my den, it’s no longer mine - especially if I left it in the enclave. You do you!


Posted 2021-07-15 08:37:01
That makes sense. Summarizes how I feel as well - mostly I wanted to be sure I wasn't making some sort of major faux pas (lol *paw?) by doing this. Thanks!


Posted 2021-07-15 13:43:02

I am the opposite of you, ytre. I gave one puppy to the bear one time and was so annoyed to see that the adopter put it up for sale. I would rather a wolf got chased than sold haha


Posted 2021-07-15 13:44:44

LOL. Well that's a fair take! I'm definitely not looking to like... profit off of them, just get them to a home that might want them more. But I can understand regardless. Thanks for the response!


Posted 2021-07-15 13:47:33

End of the day, your wolf is yours so you can chase it. Everyone knows that the bear is not the best about disclosing info about puppies, so sometimes you get a pup and it turns out not to be your kind of thing. Don't feel bad about chasing. I had no real right to be annoyed about "my" pup being sold, and nobody else has any right to be annoyed that you didn't keep "their" pup. If they cared so much they should have kept it!


Posted 2021-07-15 13:53:43

That makes sense. I'm always worried I'm going to inadvertently hurt someone by doing so but that's how I feel as well. I think I'll just R&C any I decide aren't my look after all and hope they find a new home. Thank you~


Posted 2021-07-16 15:41:19

Honestly I know alot of people get pups from the enclave SPECIFICALLY to raise and chase 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

Not all the puppies who get left even end up getting adopted. And when someone leaves one there they are giving up responsibility so... I dont think anyone has a say at that point except the adopter [you!] 

Also, at least your raise and chasing them. Not just chasing as a pup which means there is no chance of them going in the pool. 


Posted 2021-07-16 15:50:54

That makes sense. Thank you, I appreciate all the feedback!


Posted 2021-07-20 15:13:59

I personally don't care either way what happens to wolves after they've left my pack. Once sold, it's no longer mine. I have often times adopted a pup, trained it as well as possible, then sell for about 10sc at adolescent. More often than not, I've paid more than 10sc for said pup at the enclave(so not gaining a monetary profit). My adult wolves gain experience when not doing other tasks, and someone gets a nice deal on a trained cute pup.


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