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Need a guide!!

Need a guide!!
Posted 2021-07-10 18:53:04

Lioden veteran here! Like FR, ive been on lioden since before events…

I made a wolvden account when it came out but I just recently started actually playing it! 

And well, it confuses the heck outta me!! Can someone explain how everything works? 

Anything that lioden has as well I understand (trading, exploring, questing etc) but here’s a list of things I don’t understand! 

Healers? I don’t understand how that works at all, same with illness & all that 

the fishing game? How does it work lol

breeding males 

& basically all the things wolvden has, that lioden doesn’t!! 

Someone plz help!! 

Also what are like the rare marks & stuff? Like how rosette is in lioden 


Posted 2021-07-12 22:15:05 (edited)

Hello, WhisperWillow! :D 

To start off, here's a link to the Grouse House guides, where a lot of good information has been gathered since Beta to now. Very good information here, I recommend a good read! This thread will provide you links to other threads about various subjects relating to the game. Want better hunting rates? Need advice on battling? Your wolf's sick and you don't know whether it's lethal or not? All that info and more is listed here!

Let's start off your list first, then if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!

1. Herbalist and illness

On your fourth rollover, a new unique quest opens and Tala returns to teach you all about herbalism and illness. You've probably forgot this information, so if need be, you can also check out Tala's Archive! I do recommend also taking a look at the Grouse House guide on illness and healing for better clarification, though. 

I assume you already have your first herbalist. For future reference, focus on training pups/wolves in wisdom and smarts for the best herbalist! Individual stats matter WAY more than total when it involes the different roles, so keep that in mind. 

The most notable illnesses you should watch out for is; pox, heatstroke, poison, infection, distemper, mange, and influenza, all of which (besides influenza) is lethal if you let it take it's course. I mention influenza because how contagious it is! It's a very good idea to have a quarantine den for contagious illnesses, otherwise you might have an epidemic on your hands within a few rollovers. Earmites and open wounds are also annoying to get, so def have plenty of those stocked up to insta heal your pack! 

It is recommended that you forage as much as possible while you're active, then have your herbalist working on 5 remedies/researching while you're away, but you do what works best for you! 

I'm not really sure what else to go on about here, so if you have any more questions on this, I'm open ears.

2. The Fishing game

Patience is needed for this one! 

While playing the game, ripples would pop up every so often while you are observing the water, a little splash kind of sound playing when this occurs, though subtle. 

When you see the ripple, press and hold on it, wait and watch the circle. While your red dot spins, try to hit the green! The better the hit, the better the fish (in weight). The better the fish rarity wise, the more SC you get on submission. The bigger, you'll get a small food item called Delicate Meat if it's big enough! I forgot how big it needed to be, though.

You have the chance to catch Legendary Fish, very rare! If successfully submitted, you could get a high use food item (pretty sure it's 18 uses) or a similar use toy item along with the SC. The weight by the way plays in putting you higher in the ranks, potentially giving you the chance to get on the leaderboards for the game. 

That's all I can remember there right at the moment.

3. Breeding Males

Easy! They are just like how your king on Lioden is, except the role is different from your lead wolf, or it could be your lead wolf! (Assuming your lead is male)

They are pretty much given the right to breed with any female in the pack and are able to stud out for a profit. They could be a packmember, or like I already mentioned above, your leader also. 

You could only have one breeding male at a time! 

4. Rare Marks

Our event marks are: selene (special mark types being lupos and orante blotches I'm pretty sure it's called, going off the top of my head), luna (special types: blotches), and in the upcoming unreleased event, there would be lusxenix marks with I'm sure it's own new types! The event these marks comes from the Lunar Event, Wolvden's only current event it has. If you want to know more about that, feel free to ask! *These marks are not that valuable unless found on a already vaulable, low gen wolf, especially NBWs

Raffle marks (these are on a similar level to rosette): dark brown panda, black wings, black lupos, and white lupos.

Exclusive RMA mark types: merle, merle patches (these are still high in value, much more than the other RMA exclusives listed!), tamaskan unders, inuit unders... I think that's it! 

There is also NBW exclusive marks, but to be honest, pretty much throwaways if it's not combo colored or it comes on a pretty vaulable chased wolf. Those are: shaded, smoke, and points!


Okay, that's all I have to say off the top of my head on those subjects! I know I already said this multiple times, but again, feel free to ask questions! I'd love to help to the best of my ability! 

Here's some other Wolvden-only topics you might be interested in hearing. If so, let me know! Those topics are as follows...

Pair bonding, the different battle system, hunting roles and why individual stats are important, mentors and tutoring in pup training, the use of pups for pupsitting fodder and wolves in general for herbalist fodder, the different seasons and how it affects the day/night cycle + hunting rates...

I'm sure the Grouse House guides could explain far better than me, so I heaaavviillyyy encourage reading them if you have the time! 

So sorry this post is probably like, essay-long. Hoping at least some info is helpful! Let me know if you need better clarification on anything 🐾


Posted 2021-07-16 09:31:38



Posted 2021-07-16 10:01:01 (edited)

You are sooooo welcome!! Happy to help in anyway I can! 


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