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massive raffle, "free" entry

Posted 2022-04-08 12:56:52 (edited)
number (start at 1, count up):20

category:SC & GC

I love wolves & games
favourite  games would be Minecraft, Sims 3, Roblox, Wolvden & Lioden lol

Posted 2022-04-09 00:46:17
number 21

category: grove items / other valuables (mainly decor if possible)


these were my wedding vows -

there will never be enough words to accurately describe just what we have found - but i will give it my all with this verse. you came into my life during a time when i thought i'd taken my final bow; helping me climb back from the abyss and showed me life anew. with a steadfast smile, you have cradled my demons, validated my fears and have loved me as i come and not for something i could never be.

like the sun, you have brought light and warmth to an otherwise dismal existence - casting away the shadows that once plagued my very bones and help my petals blossom. with your voice does genuine joy sprout from a heart once hardened and with each dream shared, we move ever closer to sharing one mind, one heart and one soul.

your love has shown me that hope can be found even in the darkest places, in the most hopeless of times - that's when the light shines brightest. with these words, our bond will only grow ever stronger; forged into the strongest blade and ready to take on whatever the world throws our way.

Vharlin [clean g3 moss]

Posted 2022-04-19 00:07:21 (edited)

grove items! i want a full shuffle so bad so i should prob do gc but hhhrgggrg idc


(very long my apologies)
my favorite poem is spoken word by Olivia Gatwood called "Ode to the Women on Long Island"
here's the link because it is much better heard from Olivia's Mouth:

absolutely obsessed with this poem. 
whenever i watch the og video of her performance i get CHIILS!!! this poem is what i live by because while looking through the lens of all of the bad things humanity has done/will do there is one really good thing, the HUMANITY of humanity UAGG Di love olivia so much. her best poem. anyways thank u , sorry this is so long again. LOL

"Ode to the Women on Long Island"

I want to write a poem for the women on Long Island who smoke cigarettes in their SUVs with the windows rolled up before walking into yoga
Who hack and curse in downward dog
and Deborah
from the next block over who has strong opinions about Christmas lights after New Year's
says that her body isn't what it used to be
but neither is the economy or the bagels at Rickman's Deli so who really cares
And during shavasana
she brings up the rabbi's daughter who got an abortion last spring
and Candy in the corner calls Deborah hateful
and the class takes a sharp inhale in through the nose then out through the mouth
and after class
after Candy rushes home to check the lasagna
Deborah lights up a smoke and calls her friend Tammy

"So then the girl calls me 'hateful'
hateful can you believe it
what a word
some kind of dictionary bitch over here
so ya know what I says? I says 'you don't know the first thing about hateful
ya wanna know what's hateful?
menopause.' "
And it doesn't really matter if Deborah actually said that to Candy
which she didn't
because Tammy is so caught up that Candy called Deborah "hateful"
which she did
that next week when Tammy runs into Candy while shopping in Rockville Center
and Candy asks Tammy how she's doing
Tammy will adjust the purse strap on her shoulder and say, "We all have a little coal in our stocking, Candy."
And Candy will shuffle away
certain that Tammy knows something about her marriage that she shouldn't and she doesn't
she just loves Deborah
who has a lot of opinions
and had Candy given her the chance to finish her sentence
Deborah would have talked about the reproductive rights march she went to in the 60s
and the counterproductive sex-shaming methods of organized religion

I want to write a poem for the women on Long Island whose words stretch and curl like bubblegum around the forefinger
Who ask if I have a boyfriend
and before I answer say "Don't do it
don't ever do it
Y'know my friend Linda she's a lesbian
like a real lesbian
and whenever I go over there
She lives on Corona over by Merrick by the laundromat y'know what I'm talking about
Whenever I go over there and see her and her wife
What's her name?
I can never remember the girl's name
whenever I go over there I says, "Ya know what I need?"
I says, "A girlfriend - that's what I need"
The women on Long Island let their teenage daughters throw parties in the basement while they watch the Home Network upstairs and keep the bat by the couch in case anyone gets roofied
even if it's their own son who did the drugging

The women on Long Island won't put it past any man to be guilty
even their kin
who after all have their husbands' hands and blood
And last week when a girl was murdered while jogging in Queens
the women on Long Island were unstartled and furious
They did not call to warn their daughters
They called their sons
sat them at the kitchen table and said
"If you ever
and I mean ever so much as make a woman feel uncomfortable
I will take you to the deli and put your hand in the meat slicer
you think I won't?
You hear me?
I will make a hero out of you
with mayonnaise and tomatoes and dill and onions"

I want to write a poem
for the women on Long Island who
when I show them the knife I carry in my purse
tell me it's not big enough
Who are waitresses and realtors and massage therapists and social workers and housewives
and tell me they wish they would have been artists
'but life comes fast ya know?
One minute you're taking typing classes for your new secretary job in the World Trade Center and the next it's almost over
Life, I mean
but I kicked and screamed my way through it and so will you
I can tell by the way you walk'
One more thing - when they call you a "bitch," say, "Thank you, thank you very much."


Posted 2022-04-20 03:31:10
number (start at 1, count up): 23

category: gc | grove items


the things i love in life is art and writing/roleplay! i'm personally a pixel artist and mostly stick to pixel page dolls! occasionally i do icons too, though. i also love these kind of "browser" games, and i even come from Lioden! recently i returned to it and also joined Wolvden and it's been really fun so far

some of the art i've done:


Posted 2022-05-05 10:09:15
Number 23! Category:gc im saving for a lethal

Small poem about fruits and nature!

The sweetness of the fruits you've handed.
The savory of our many seasonings and spices you provided.
How many smiles Mother Nature gives away smiles in sacrifice of her own.
May nature prosper again.

Posted 2022-05-05 10:43:12 (edited)
oops sorry wrong post lol

Posted 2022-05-07 22:04:43 (edited)
number: 24

category: Any; I'm newer to this game, and anything would make me happy

content: My cat! His name is Poseiden but I call him Poe-Poe
Him a few days ago
When he was like 6 months old

Posted 2022-05-10 01:15:56 (edited)
number (start at 1, count up): 25

category: SC&GC, but honestly i'm just happy to be here


my favorite poem is Two-Headed Calf by Laura Gilpin!
Tomorrow when the farm boys find this
freak of nature, they will wrap his body
in newspaper and carry him to the museum.
But tonight he is alive and in the north
field with his mother. It is a perfect
summer evening: the moon rising over
the orchard, the wind in the grass. And
as he stares into the sky, there are
twice as many stars as usual.

i found this poem when i was about 12 years old, and deep in my pre-teen angst and untreated mental illnesses, i myself felt like i was a freak of nature. i was stuck in this feeling that there was something fundamentally wrong with me, something unchangeable and innate, and everyone else could see it. i'd spend many more years feeling like this, but when i found this poem, i felt an intense connection to the calf described. i didn't understand it at the time, but looking back, i can recognize this as a gorgeous and fluid poem that manages to briefly touch on the topic of "otherness" while still leaving a gap for the reader to fill in with their own prospects.

laura gilpin describes a doomed fate for the calf- no matter what, he will perish, and be preserved by a museum. he is a dying creature. but, for a brief moment, the calf sees the universe, expanded by his natural abnormalities, a reminder that there is a vast world out there that he could have been able to experience. the present-tense allows the reader to sit in this still, awed moment with the calf and his mother, bathing in the newborn innocence and hope.

even if my entry doesn't win, i hope this poem can help whomever is reading in the way it has helped me. regardless of what society has deemed "wrong" or "weird", there is a whole universe out there to explore. let your weirdness guide you to the stars :P


Posted 2022-06-03 12:14:30 (edited)
number (start at 1, count up): 26

category: anything! Just joined so anything would be awesome!

These are my babies - I had an elderly cat who died a year ago unfortunately and I got two kittens afterwards who were rescues from an animal hoarder and the street. The gray tabby is missing an eye, plus partially blind in the remaining eye and partially deaf lol, she's a mess! Her and her sister, the one with the snowshoe pattern are absolute angels and ridiculously cute. Both about a year old now. I have so much love for them

Thank you!


Posted 2022-06-03 15:58:32
Category: GC or SC ( I don't mind )

Content: I love doing art in my free time here's what I'm currently drawing :)


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