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free holiday art (poses practice) closed

free holiday art (poses practice) closed
Posted 2021-06-25 13:52:35 (edited)

Hello lovely people! I will be doing some free/pwyw?? art here! Here are my previous examples if you want to check them out: click

I was collecting ideas for a while for this and have specific poses I want to draw. Here's hoping you help me with it as I need some OCs to practice my skills on.

Before you proceed with posting your OC, please read a few things to get more info!


Is it free?

Yes! You don't have to pay anything :D However it takes my free time so if you feel especially generous and would like to thank me, you can send a little gift my way! Currently I'm in need of sc, gc, random marking applicators and sex changers. Much appreciated <3

What characters do you draw?

Feral! Canines, felines and fantasy creatures with similar anatomy but I can try on other species. I'm fine with drawing extra things like wings too!

Can I post my wolvden wolves?

Yes! Though, I will be always adding some characteristic (they will be more cartoonish ^^) to them as they all look the same in game and I would like to have some variety.

What kind of art will that be?

Only fullbodies. For sure - clear sketches. Maybe (if I like character or have an idea of what do I want to practice) lineart, colored, shaded or with background, may include accessories as well. I have several styles, but I will stick to semi-realism mostly.

Can I choose the pose?

I have settled poses and I just need "models" to try them on. So yeah, to some degree you can! Please fill the form with preferations ^^ Dynamic poses will be running, trotting, jumping and midair "crazy-twisted" like while static will be sitting, standing or slowly walking with little motion going on. Feel free to choose whatever feels canon with your character personality :3 You can also include specific motion you want, for example "dynamic - running". Or not deciding at all, then I will try to find the best fit to your character based on their personality!

Will you do all characters?

Sorry, no! Probably I won't do them in order either. It's not first come first serve so I will be choosing only these I feel they fit my ideas. If I won't do your character, it's probably because I didn't manage to find a matching pose for them or design was too complicated for practice!

What is the process?

When I choose your character, I will PM you. Probably to ask some details too. When I'm done, I will send your piece this way as well. If I decide to do something more with character (coloring, shading etc.) I will be also asking questions about it and sending progress to you c:

How long will it take?

It will be all-holiday thing. So maybe day, maybe week, maybe month before you receive your drawing. I will try to do them asap but that's not always possible to draw all the time. Chances are, if I feel like it, I will be back to some characters and update them for example from basic sketch stage to lineart, colored and so on. So even if you received your art, I can return to you with more refined piece later.

How to contact you in other way?

You can add me on discord (Czakenzo.#7866) to be able to contact me quicker than on wolvden. I'm online 99% of time lol


back to the fun stuff!! Please share:

Your OC ref:

Something about their personality:

Dynamic/static/whatever pose:

I'm looking forward to see what OCs do you guys have!!

happy holidays everyone <3


Posted 2021-06-25 14:54:53


I'd love to get anything from you for these wolves:

Roddie , Roddie, Roddie, Roddie,

 Thunder , Thunder ,Thunder , Thunder , Thunder, Thunder

Elizabeth, Elizabeth , Elizabeth , Elizabeth, Elizabeth

Ice , Ice , Ice , Ice , Ice

Sweetheart , Sweetheart , Sweetheart , Sweetheart

 Alaska , Alaska

Or for this cheetah Jerome:




Choose who you want! ^^ I hope you will like at least one of my characters! Awww


Posted 2021-06-25 15:01:56

I will check them out! Jerome seems nice, I like slim animals and cheetahs are one of my favourites!!

but I would appreciate sticking to the form a little as it helps me get things organized ^^'


Posted 2021-06-25 15:43:58

Your OC ref:

Something about their personality: he's eisty, scared of anything that could be used to beat him (pls don't take this the wrong way. He's literally a pinata lol), and he likes to chomp

Dynamic/static/whatever pose: any pose is fine!

tysm for the chance!


Posted 2021-06-25 17:33:17

Hello, it's good to see you again! Since you've already done a commission of one of my characters in the past, I'm perfectly fine with you skipping me in favor of other users, but feel free to take a jab at my form if it strikes your interest! ^^

Also, as always, feel free to PM or ping me should you have any questions regarding my inquiry. :0

Your OC ref: Smithson's cat design, with reference images being the Oriental Shorthair here and here. He also has an Art Fight profile and a Toyhouse profile if you need further references!

Something about their personality: Smithson is usually rather stern and stoic, keeping to himself and being known as the quiet individual in most groups. He does have a bit of a somber air around him, but it's usually more condescending and somewhat aloof than anything else. If he has any expression, whether it be a frown or a smile, it's going to be rather subtle.

Dynamic/static/whatever pose: Any pose is fine! If you prefer a more specific idea, though, then I'd actually lean towards a more static one, since Smithson isn't the most dynamic character out there. u_u


Posted 2021-06-26 00:01:23

OC Ref: Pride Sona 
Personality: Super shy, misunderstanding, and sweet. Has high respect for any and everyone until said person has proven otherwise. Just trying to fit in with the world and have a good life. On occasion gets little bursts of hyper energy and/or happiness (for more on personality n stuff you can go to my profile)
Pose: Jumping and midair "crazy twisted" or slowly walking

OC Ref: Kiki 
Personality:  Kiki is super sweet and friendly, as harmless as she looks to be. She’s happy and giggly, always on the bright side of things and seemingly lucky for the most part. She’s also super curious, and will sometimes stick her nose into places she doesn’t exactly belong because of her curiosity.
Pose: Trotting or Jumping and midair "crazy twisted"

OC Ref: Neko 1, Neko 2 
Personality: Neko is a very skittish young tom. He jumps at almost everything, which means he needs lots of comfort as well. He gets super paranoid and scared easy too. Though once calm and easygoing, Neko is very sweet and lovable, being one of the biggest cuddle bugs ever
Pose: Jumping and midair "crazy twisted" (maybe with a more shocked or startled look to match personality better?) or sitting

Sorry if it's a bit much, and you don't have to do all three I'm just putting several out there haha. Lmk what you think and thank you! ~And also your art is incredible and super amazing <3

♰Vampire Mama♰(Back 10th)

Posted 2021-06-26 00:22:28

Guys thanks you so much for being interested!! currently I'm still waiting for a few more characters to get a bigger pool but in a few days I will be PMing you! :0


Posted 2021-06-26 01:58:50

Oh my goodness your art is lovely. I'm going to leave a few options but please don't feel pressured to do any of them if you just feel overwhelmed or wanna try more interesting characters! It's all good. :D

OC ref: Jasmine (ref by #9433) - A little lantern rat!
Personality:  She's a little shy but very adventurous, with big plans to explore the world and see all it has to offer! She's kind and compassionate but her glow attracts attention easily,  making her frightful and timid around larger creatures. A little on the cowardly end, she will flee if there is danger about... even the imaginary sort.
Pose: Any pose is okay!

OC ref: Iris (ref by #8033) - a hairless peterbald cat.
Personality: Very spoiled and used to a comfortable way of living, but nevertheless friendly and approachable. She's sheltered and curious, likes to laze about when possible and is the first to rush over to meet new folk to learn about them. She's a bit of a goblin with toys at times, growing especially protective over some trinket or another for a week's time for seemingly no reason.
Pose: Dynamic - your choice.

OC ref: Vesna (ref by #7101) - a fluffy English mastiff (worth looking up, they're adorable).
Personality: Lazy. She is a trained guard dog but she is also the laziest creature alive, more than willing to spend hours in the same spot until the sun makes her overheat. She is friendly and cuddly 'off duty', but perhaps not the sharpest tool in the drawer. She is kind and, as seen in the reference, fond of a hat that she most definitely did not swipe from her owner, no.
Pose: Static - sitting or lying down.

OC ref: Toffee (by #27850) - Wolf, eyes are meant to be light blue.
Personality: Despite the name, he's not the friendliest sort. He's serious, a little snarky, and tends to have a very no-nonsense attitude around others. Generally a very angry and frustrated fellow but not a villain, he ends up becoming something of a caretaker around others. Something like a grumpy brother or father figure - he'll help out, he'll just bark up a storm while doing it.
Pose: Dynamic - walking, running, or stretching.

OC ref: Javier (by Coyffeen) - an utonagan.
Personality: Hardworking and socially awkward, he's the resident try-hard of every group but it makes him reliable. He is friendly and welcoming towards others but a bit blunt and oblivious as to how seemingly innocent things can make him seem rude. He may not be trusting of strangers but he is more than happy to lend them a paw whenever he's able.
Pose: Any pose is fine. :D


Posted 2021-06-26 03:02:50

Thank you for posting!!


Posted 2021-06-26 03:10:21

Your OC ref: my lead fox, Suki 

Something about their personality: unsure about new wolves but very friendly once they warm up to them, kind and warm-hearted, timid at times.

Dynamic/static/whatever pose: whatever you pick!

Thanks for the chance! <3


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