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The Great Migration Event | a Clan v Clan Competition

Posted 2021-06-30 17:20:01 (edited)
Points for R&C!

Firstly, couldn't trade this wolf to anyone, so had to painstakingly figure out how to screenshot him lol. Never again.

Points: 12

And a story. It's about a tradition where young wolves are to leave and find their own way. It follows the four R&C pups currently in my den as they shed their allegiance to their birthpack and head out on their own to find a new place to call home.

4,812 words - I wanted it longer, but I blasted it out in about 5 hours last night with little sleep and depression brain. I hope it's alright regardless. :')

Trigger Warning: Depictions of anxiety and panic attacks.

Points: 96

Total: 108 to R&C

Whirligig (Active: Event)

Posted 2021-06-30 17:36:00

Day 17 - 3 wolves | 1 story

[CW: mentions of sickness and death; descriptions of near-fatal exhaustion and starvation; descriptions of hunting and killing prey.] And On We Go: 92 points [4648 words]

Jumpy Squirrel: 20 points []

Field of Poppies: 11 points []

Harlu: 9 points []


Total for Lore Clan: 132 points!


Posted 2021-06-30 18:22:24 (edited)

69 points (hehe) for Lore Clan!


Posted 2021-06-30 19:44:03

Final batch! The last two were raised by Starling #17827 c:

Bye (Great Migration 29):

Points: 14

Bye (Great Migration 30):

Points: 23

Bye (Great Migration 31):

Points: 23

Bye (Great Migration 32):

Points: 19

Proof of Chase: 

Total Points: 79 for R&C!


Posted 2021-06-30 20:02:20

Chased today:

Points: 6

Points: 11

Points: 7


Total points: 24 for R&C


Posted 2021-06-30 20:08:46

65pts for Lore Clan, Four wolves chased

I got my last submission in the works, let's see how much I can get done!


Posted 2021-06-30 21:32:09

And here is one half of a two part story. Trigger warnings for emotional/verbal abuseThe New Job (2,138 words)

42 points for Lore Clan. I will just have to get back to it after the event. Seems 2,000 words a day is about my limit.


Posted 2021-06-30 21:52:07

one wolf for raise and chase

t2 base 5pts, smudge 2pts

total 7 points for raise and chase

maxwell 𓄿𓄿𓄿

Posted 2021-06-30 22:22:12

lore clan - 5/5 chased wolves - 87 points total

F4-C0-B4-FE-97-E1-4292-9-EB9-FC377-C4-A4-FFD 9-CBFB318-9-A58-454-A-A1-AF-9875-C7715-F35 t2, 7marks, 2combo, 1rma - 19

0-FF0-D2-F9-19-A9-41-E1-AF69-B82890-B86344 00659-DF5-8769-44-DE-AE32-4-D06-A66747-D3t2, 6marks, 1combo - 13

09-DBA5-CB-3800-4372-AF95-7-B3-DF793-A66-F 63674-CAD-2075-467-E-A4-C2-40-D70-F2-B1765t2, 6marks, 4rma - 23

C6-D709-A4-F55-E-4708-80-EA-3049-B8-D5006-E DC83-CDDA-188-B-4-AFF-BACC-71937-A1962-A8t2, 5marks, 2rma, 1combo - 18

EE8-C1-FD9-C290-4-F46-87-BF-5-B538-D69-B9-E4 197-C41-D5-FAE7-405-B-BA6-F-D7-F43-ED58-A60t2, 8marks, 1selene - 14

DEC80-E29-6-E96-4-BD0-95-A5-DA8-A46-E57455 proof

liz thamnophis

Posted 2021-06-30 22:30:27

I wrote something! Finally! 
No trigger warnings, I don't know how I did it. The story seems too happy now.
1813 words, so... 36 points? I think? (pls tell me if I did that incorrectly)
anyways, 36 points for lore clan!


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