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Immortal Wolf Travel Companion Role

Immortal Wolf Travel Companion Role
Posted 2021-05-28 10:32:53 (edited)

i know that immortal wolves can't be used for roles but hear me out: a nice little thing where you can choose one immortal wolf as a travel companion, and it just gives extra exploration flavor text depending on their personality type? i just think it would be nice to have my favorite wolf with me all the time once i immortalize him :>

other ideas to add onto this are welcome :D


Posted 2021-05-30 12:32:18

Support! I want something to do with my immortal babies and I really think this and ideas like this can really help. 

Love it

† Salem Trials †

Posted 2022-04-12 14:05:45
Maybe some flavor text ideas?:

Aggro & Stoic Personalities:
"You spot a squirrel in the branches of a nearby tree. Your companion had spotted it long before you, and reminds you not so gently that maybe you'd catch more if you walked with your eyes open."
"As you walk along, accompanied by your companion, you stumble upon a weasel dragging the fresh carcass of a rat."

- Intimidate Choice Success: "After successfully scaring away the weasel, and claiming the dead rat for yourself, your companion snorts and says you should've just killed the mustelid and brought both carcasses back."
- Intimidate Choice Fail: "After trying, and failing, at scaring the weasel off of its kill, your companion makes a snide comment on your hunched shoulders. Maybe if you stood a little taller, things would find you scary."
- Kill Choice Success: "With one swift swipe of your mighty paw, the weasel has been slain. Your companion groans and reminds you that neither one of the carcasses you now get to drag back will offer any worthwhile nutrition."
- Kill Choice Failure: "That swipe looked well timed, but the weasel managed to avoid the heavy blow and scurry off with the rat still firmly clamped in its jaws. Your companion snorts and brushes past you with a wavering tail, absentmindedly calling back to remind you that there's better prey out there."

Romantic & Friendly Personalities:
"Stepping out of the shade and into the bright sun, you lean into a stretch. A wet nose touches your shoulder and you startle a bit, but remember you have company and relax."
"Trotting along the riverbank with your companion, you stumble upon two ducks who appear to be courting. It reminds you of your love for your pack, and the sentiment is clearly shared by your companion as they speak up in a soft whisper to tell you they miss home."
"As day fades to dusk, your companion makes a comment on the sunset. It reminds you to appreciate everything around you, even something as simple as the setting of the sun."
"The rain coming down hardly phases you, but your companion is shivering. Awkwardly they ask if it would be okay to stop for a moment and rest under some of the dense foliage, just until the rain passes..."

Posted 2022-04-16 14:49:13
OOO YESS i love those omg


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