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Chance that Wolf gets illness on any given day | Looking for data volunteers | Open

Chance that Wolf gets illness on any given day | Looking for data volunteers | Open
Posted 2021-05-24 15:20:03


I asked the mods a couple of days ago about the chances that wolves get illnesses on any given day. They responded and said that they purposefully didn't release this data and wanted the players themselves to find it out. Anyhow, here I am!

If you are looking to participate please either leave a comment or PM with the following information:

1. The dates when an Adult Wolf is added or grown IN ANY INSTANCE AT ALL

2. Dates when a wolf gets an Ilness that is not from exploring or from another wolf spreading a sickness to the wolf

3. Any other information that would be usefull

Note: You can find all if this information in the User-Log, with keywords like, "Ilness" and, "trade"

Thank you!

(there may or may not be a little prize if you do a good job)

Max Garner

Posted 2021-12-07 09:07:06
oooooooooo this looks good though I had quarantined and treated a wolf with influenza and a wolf with open wound so I can't say for those - the influenza wolf is a scout - Desmond, and the the wolf with open wound was an adolescent that I was given - Saber (player wanted to get rid of adols and my pack is called plague bearers so you know... not trying to spread lethal illnesses tho)

Anyway, one wolf got fleas via hunting they were quarantined until I realised it can prevent illness occurring - so far, 5 wolves have fleas, the first to catch it from Vanity (adult) was Roux (adult), then Montague (adolescent), and then Conan (adult) and Nova (adult) I believe - I do not know what the size of my pack is when this began but I only had 1-2 caves when Vanity first had fleas and now I have 3 caves - I have had 32 RO and I believe that none of my wolves have had an RO illness since I had the quest for it - lead has had diarrhea 3-4 times caused by exploring.

Not sure how many hunts Vanity had completed before getting fleas, or how many scouts Desmond had participated in - or how many times Camilla explored, however, exploring has specific events that can kinda be skipped so it's more of figuring out the chance that a certain event would make the lead ill.

Haven't had any illnesses caused by breeding or any occurring randomly at RO (like I said)

Posted 2021-12-09 18:59:57
'ight so on this 34th rollover I believe, Ion got pox randomly.

Today I had two wolves infected with fleas (a total of about 6-7 wolves) via contagious.

I had a scout get an open wound from scouting activities.

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