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Vampire Romance BatDoesStuff&WolfClaw (Rp sheet)

Posted 2021-05-23 10:23:13

Aster chuckled " You missed a spot" She helped get the dirty spot that was on his left shoulder, where you couldn't see. "There"

Then she darted her eyes tot he two mares who were sizing each other up. Frost wasn't having it. She snorted and ran off to the other side of the paddock, and just stared at the other mare. After a while though, Aster looked back at Lazarus, unsure of what to do or say to him. " Can we go inside?"Β  she asked " Not that I have anything against being outside, of course"

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-05-23 10:53:52

Lacey somewhat stood her ground, but also seemed to stick to the opposite side from Frost now, focusing on grazing minus the few times she watched the other mare.

Lazarus still looked a little worried, but he perked up as Aster helped brushing some dirt off of his shoulder, "Oh, uh, thank you." He murmured. At the suggestion they go inside, he did nod to say they could, just being glad he did make the choice to clean up a bit the night before.

"Yeah, just be careful of the chickens, they like to try and get into the house as well." He lightly warned as he moved to head to his house, shooing a couple of chickens away with his hand. Not that they listened that much, very curious of the new person that was now at their home.


Posted 2021-05-23 11:00:08

Aster stood close to him, since she wasn't used to any other animal besides horses " Thanks...." she said nervously eyeing the chickens as she headed inside the small house.Β  She didnt have to worry about Frost, she would handle herself just fine.

Frost grazed alone for aΒ  while before looking back at the mare she was with. A snort escaping her nose. Frost knew she was the boss of the new guest, but she had other plans. She walked to her and just stood still, letting her know sheΒ  wouldnt be any trouble.

Aster walked beside Lazarus inside the house, not wanting to sit anywhere, since she was still wearing her royal clothes." If you want help cleaning, I'd be willing to help you, Lazarus" she hoped that her offer wasnt too much for him. But she had to try.Β 

( if you want to add something exciting, go right ahead.)

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-05-23 11:46:28

The chickens clearly tried to follow after, but again Lazarus shooed them outside, despite their loud complaint in the form of flapping their wings wildly. "Don't worry about them. They can't actually hurt you much and are more drama queens then anything. I don't really have guests over often." He tried to lightly explain, having seen that the chickens seemed to make her nervous.

Lacey huffed, ears pinning back as she noticed Frost with a small huff, then quickly trying to head to the opposite side of the pen in a big attempt at staying by herself, not really seeming to want to acknowledge the other mare too much. It was her home, after all, and it wasn't like she felt that the other was in control any way whatsoever.

Lazarus perked up at what she said, but shook his head lightly, "You don't need to..." He answered, pausing before speaking up again, "I mean, I know there is clutter, but this is pretty clean for the most part." He explained lightly, sounding a little awkward as he wasn't sure if it was too dirty still, his gaze moving around his home in a nervous manner.


Posted 2021-05-23 11:52:42

Frost stamped her foot in an annoyed manner at how the other mare was treating her. So all she could do was just find a way to get out of there.Β  But the only way out was to jump the fence. But there was a slight problem.. Frost never jumped in her life. Not even as a foal.

She eyed the other mare and snorted before galloping towards the fence.

"Β  Lazarus..its a mess.. my father would have you clean this place if you were his own son." Aster knew she was right. " He wouldn't let you or anyone have fun till everything was spotless." But since im the only one here.... I guess I'll let it pass."

ThenΒ  a crack was heard and Aster ran back outside " Frost! How did you... Oh no... Lazarus..your fence... im so sorry... I..."

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-05-23 12:13:23

Lazarus would be lying if he said the comment didn't hurt a bit, as many of the clutter items were things from someplace in his past or from his family, it slightly evident in the frown that formed on his face at hearing that. Sure, he guessed he could see where she was coming from, but still, it felt wrong to think of just getting rid of everything around there. It'd feel almost empty.

He didn't really get to argue lightly, until the sound of a crack echoed from outside. Instantly he rushed out after, half ignoring Aster and the fence in favor of checking on any animals nearby and then rushing to look for Lacey. Luckily, the mare was completely alright and only freaked out by the noise.

"Hey, Hey, it's okay Lace." He soothed, moving to pet over her noise and neck until she calmed, nosing him in return. Once she was soothed, he did move to look at the fence, sighing a bit. "Well... I mean, I guess I have that to fix now. I guess difficult can be added to Frost's traits..." Laz muttered in a half attempt at making a joke, though he wasn't exactly excited about having to patch up the fence when it was a lot of work.


Posted 2021-05-23 12:40:36

Lazarus.. Im so sorry.. I didnt know this would happen" she said as she walked toΒ  Frost " Frost.. come on.. you need to get home." she got back on her andΒ  eyed LazarusΒ  " I just came to give you the letter... and again.. im sorry."

She then turned Frost around andΒ  walked off , looking back to Lazarus again. She reached the stables and got off and cleaned Frost off again before her father came over.

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-05-23 13:31:34

Lazarus moved to access the damage more carefully, speaking up, "I.. uh, it's alright, I mean, I d-don't think you intended to..." He trailed off, seeing as Aster turned around and started to leave. He sighed loudly, shifting to look at the fence again, picking at it. However, now that he looked back, he realized that the chickens also escaped into the house, and likely would make an actual mess.

It would end up being hours before he'd be able to read the letter, as first he had to make sure to get Lacey into the stable and get all of the chickens back outside where they belong. After cleaning the feathers and such as well, he moved to finally be able to start looking at and answering the other's letter.


I was going to say you were fine, you can't always control what horses do. It'll take a while to fix, but it is just a fence really. I'm happy enough with knowing Lacey is safe.

As for my home, I apologize if you believe it to be a mess, but much of it are things from my family or is centered around them. I'd never dare get rid of them unless room had become a problem or they were in one way or another broken. Keeping those is something I can't apologize for.

If you would like me to instead just go to you only, I suppose I wouldn't mind that. However, still I don't mind you coming back either. Just I'd rather have Frost in a stable, hopefully where things won't be broken.

Sincerely, Lazarus.'

He sighed as he finished, but seeing as he had to go to get proper wood to make the fences again, so he lightly headed to town to both drop off his letter and do just that, hooking Lacey up to a wagon while he did so.


Posted 2021-05-23 13:45:16

Aster was mad at herself and at Frost " Look what you did, Frost... he wont ever want me to come over now. Even if I do go back, ill just walk over there. You are just a pest." Aster said leading her back to the Palace " And no more kisses for him either. I just feel odd when I do that...Β  makes himΒ  nervous anyways"

Finally reaching the palace, Aster put Frost in the pasture and headed into the palace where she would read the letter back fromΒ  Lazarus, but when she did, she told herself she wouldn't answer it. For she felt ashamed.

Her father got to her room that afternoon and asked what was wrong and Aster didnt want to get into the topic of actually beginning to fall for Lazarus. But it would have to come out sooner than later.

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-05-23 14:36:51

Lazarus had headed home when he got the wood he needed, though he was hoping there might be an answer soon enough. After all, Aster really wasn't all that bad and he didn't mind seeing her, whether it be at his own home or at the palace. Usually a messenger would come every afternoon to drop stuff off, but this time around nothing seemed to come.

He figured it likely was just having missed her letter that time or such, so he didn't let himself worry about it too much yet. Instead he had to focus on making the fence again, even if it would be a multiple day project as he did have to replace the whole section around the broken area to make it sturdy enough to work well.

After all, sure it wasn't the best interaction, but he's had worse and Aster likely didn't intend for it to happen like it did. He certainly hadn't meant to make her feel like she should run off either.


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