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LF: Gen2 or Gen3 T3 not out of Toska or Sango

LF: Gen2 or Gen3 T3 not out of Toska or Sango
Posted 2021-05-17 12:27:56

Title pretty much says it all. Fewer big names are better, while bigger stats are better. Looking for this to be my new lead, so I'd like them to be pup/adol/under 2yo at least.

Name your price and what you're open to other than currency, and let's work something out!


Posted 2021-05-17 19:30:00

Hi! I have several wolves that might catch your attention :)

Gen 3 fox 263st.
Gen 3 fox 257st.
Gen 2 fox 307st.
Gen 2 fox 286st.
Gen 4 pyropes (yeah, not gen 3 but I thought I might as well give it a shot) - here and here!

I'm not sure about selling the gen 2s but if you're interested please let me know and we can discuss! The only T3 studs in any of their lines are me and my friends' studs -  Aethriel, Aztral, and Anri.


Posted 2021-05-17 19:38:59

Oh gosh both of your gen2 girls are gorgeous. The gen3-4 ones have a bit lower stats than I was hoping for.

What would you be looking for? I have currency, but I also have a pair of red fox pelts, some tails, some decor/event items, etc


Posted 2021-05-18 07:25:51

Which one are you interested in? I'm looking for around 100gc for a gen 2, mainly currency if possible :)


Posted 2021-05-18 09:06:54

Ascala would be wonderful, and I can do 100 for her for sure!


Posted 2021-05-18 09:15:57

Alrighty, setting up a trade now! :)


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