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A New Age ~ A Warrior Wolves Roleplay (RP PAGE)

A New Age ~ A Warrior Wolves Roleplay (RP PAGE)
Posted 2021-05-16 08:42:58

This is the Rp page! We need a prophecy to start. 

These are the current standings:

StarClan (Advise and Prophecies)

Leader: Open

5 Warriors: Open

3 Apprentices: Open

2 Pups: Open

CrystalClan (Main Clan)

Leader: Taken (By Amberstar)

Medicine Wolf: Open

9 Warriors: Open (One taken by Dappledcloud)

3 Queens: Open

Deputy: Open

5 Apprentices: Open

4 Pups: Open 


Leader: Taken (Moonpup; future leader)

Medicine Wolf: Open

7 Warriors: Open

1 Queen: Open

Deputy: Open

3 Apprentices: Open

2 Pups: Open

The Wolfstray Pack

Wolfstray Leader: Open

5 Wolfstray pack members: Open

2 Wolfstray pups: Open

So, link to the RP SIGNUPS:

Warrior Wolves

Posted 2021-05-16 10:22:18

(Dappledpaw could get a prophecy if that's okay, maybe when she's visiting StarClan after her mentor's death?)


Posted 2021-05-16 12:20:39

(Sure! That works)

Warrior Wolves

Posted 2021-05-16 12:36:20 (edited)

Dappledpaw | Female | Medicine Wolf
Dappledpaw fought back tears as she watched her mentor join the ranks of StarClan. It's too soon, she thought, I'm not ready to do this! "G-goodbye." The white-spotted wolfdog, suddenly responsible for the lives of her clanmates, turned away and prepared to wake. Suddenly, one shimmery silver wolf trotted towards her, beckoning for the young medicine wolf to come, stay, listen. In a voice as quiet as a whisper, she told Dappledpaw she had something important to share. "Beware the shadows," she intoned, "for while in day they are powerless, at night they will engulf the clans." Dappledpaw tried to find meaning in the words, but they didn't seem like much. "I'll... tell this to Amberstar." She said shakily, still unsure of the meaning of the cryptic phrase. As she jolted awake with the first rays of dawn warming her pelt, Dappledpaw's eyes widened as she realized the importance of the words- they were a prophecy. A prophecy? Given to me? I'm a half-trained apprentice! She padded out of the cave to find the leader of CrystalClan, excited but also nervous to give her the news. "Amberstar, I have something important to tell you..."


Posted 2021-05-16 13:16:18

The leader jolted awake as she called, sitting up. "Yes? What is it?" Birds tweeted outside of the cave, water dripping bit by bit. Her leader looked curios, her head tilted. The smell of fresh morning dew filled their noses, the drape of Ivy swaying as she entered. Amberstar was a glorious shade of amber, her eyes matching. A butterfly flittered around her, the leader's ears pricked and aware of everything around her.

Warrior Wolves

Posted 2021-05-16 14:06:06

Dappledpaw | Female | CrystalClan Med. Wolf
"When I was visiting with StarClan to say goodbye to Leafstorm (I'm just gonna give him a name lol), I met this silver wolf. She gave me a prophecy! I know you probably won't believe me, but she said 'Beware the shadows, for while during day they are powerless, at night they will engulf the clans'.  I don't know what it means, but it sounds important..." The newly appointed medicine wolf sat down and wrapped her fluffy tail around herself, wondering what Amberstar would think of this news.


Posted 2021-05-16 14:52:02

Hollowwhisper | Female | CrystalClan Wolf | Role: Warrior | Mentions : N/A

The yellow eyed female wolf slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times to grow used to the light that was seeping into the den through its entrance. As she lifted her head from the ground an enormous yawn left her jaws, in the process revealing her sharp teeth to anyone that was awake. She unhurriedly got up from the patches of moss and deer fur she was using as bedding and stretched her limbs before walking out from the den, completely unaware that her clan’s medicine wolf had received a mysterious prophecy. Hollowwhisper’s yellow eyes roamed around the camp, momentarily which wolves had recently got up.


Posted 2021-05-16 19:50:13

"Hmmm. That's odd." She sounded curious, a raven sounded outside the cave, She got up, walking out of the cave. Onyxpaw, her daughter, ran up to her, starting to chatter like birds. The fresh morning air was refreshing, but it warned of rain latter on. Moonpaw, the more rebellious of the apprentices, was not up yet. Many howls rose from the valley below the mountains, wolves communicating from different or the same Clans. A stream ran through the caves, at the back of the dens and the main cave had the Prey Pile, Play Things, and a third pile for rare things dropped by the Men. Rarely some wolves stray too far from the camp and are taken, some out hunting and never came back. The leader laid down outside her den, shooing her daughter away.

Warrior Wolves

Posted 2021-05-16 19:57:26

Dappledpaw | Female | CrystalClan Med. Wolf
Dappledpaw hurried after the she-wolf, her shorter legs causing her to fall behind. "It is, I guess. Why not give a prophecy to a trained medicine wolf?" Instead of an amateur who's practically still an apprentice, like me. She thought, gazing out over camp. "Maybe I can meet with StarClan soon to ask. They're very secretive though, I think a journey to meet with them would be fruitless." She split away from Amberstar, heading towards the apprentice's den to ask for help foraging. It must be weird for the others, she thought, being ordered around and healed by a wolf even younger than them.


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