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Centering text in Chatter posts

Centering text in Chatter posts
Posted 2021-05-03 12:16:56 (edited)

I always put align center in my chatter posts (will try on this one as well), but when I post it, it aligns the text to the left.

How can I make it align to the center?


Posted 2021-05-03 12:19:23

Sometimes you have to go into the </> box and type <*p style="text-align: center; "*>  (no asterisk) before your text. At the end of your text, end it with a </p>. That *should* force it to center align, but Wolvden's code is notoriously... messy right now.


Posted 2021-05-03 12:20:33

Alright!! I'll try that. Thank you! <3


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