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Pop up/desktop notifications

Pop up/desktop notifications
Posted 2021-05-01 17:51:13

It would be nice to have an option to be notified of a change in your pack or interaction from another player. For example:  receiving a message, hunting party returning, or an offer being made on a trade you have posted, etc. Instead of having to refresh the page or even keeping it open in a tab. It would be cool to have an option to "enable notifications" somewhere.

Not sure if something like this has been suggested, I read through the master list and did a quick scan through several pages of suggestion topics and even searched for the word "notification" and didn't see anything like this. If this is a repeated suggestion I apologize. Also I am a brand new player so if this option is already available and I can't find it I apologize for that too lol.


Posted 2022-11-09 05:53:22
Tabbing back and forth and refreshing to check on this game is pretty disrupting, but i want to make sure im not missing anything, being able to get a desktop notification when i receive a message, my leads energy is maxed out or any of the other suggestions you mentioned would be great!


Posted 2022-11-09 08:38:44
Useful notification features you could toggle via profile:

Activity notifications (hunt returns, herbalist finishes crafting, scouts come back, puppies trained etc)

Player Messages (private messages and stud requests)

Forum notifications (comments on chatter)

News! (I'd love this one to be an option!)

Torchi 🔥

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