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LF: low gen (< G4), NBW or uncommon lineage, combo marks

LF: low gen (< G4), NBW or uncommon lineage, combo marks
Posted 2021-04-24 18:38:33

Hey y'all! I'm looking for a few wolves that are low gen < G4 (lower the better!) or NBWs. I'd like to find some wolves with a few combo marks. Any tier works! Send me your wolves!


Posted 2021-04-25 11:56:51

Hey there! I've got a gen4 tier I pup to offer!
He's a gray darker male and has the deira bottoms marking.

If you're interested you can just buy out the trade he's already listed in, otherwise I may be back with a few more pups once they are weaned!


Posted 2021-04-25 12:47:10

I have this male with a combo marking: Male Adol

He has a Silver patchy unders Marking, 312 Stats, 6 total markings, and is Gen 4


Posted 2021-04-26 16:28:46

Thank you both! Those are definitely what I'm leaning toward. :D Definite contenders, though it would be cool if I could find a cutie with 2 or more combo marks :0


Posted 2021-04-26 16:34:51

Okay great! Let me know if you’d be interested or not later/decide to buy him. (Also I know I only seem to breed wolves with 1 combo Mark. Have a pup with higher tier markings but know that’s not the same) 


Posted 2021-04-26 16:36:08

Can do! :D


Posted 2021-04-26 20:01:03 (edited)

2 combo marks

Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2021-04-26 20:08:48

Ooh thank you! Those are all really good options! I've got some decisions to make 🤔


Posted 2021-04-26 21:22:30

I've got plenty of adols with combos in this den!
Gen's and marking types are listed!  Douby and Loona have design ideas in their BIOs for the Luna base (put them in a different offer recently, no dice though)...but they also just look great as is!


Posted 2021-04-26 23:44:22

I have these two that may interest you up for sale on TC!


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