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Trophy Item Filter / Or Customisable filters

Trophy Item Filter / Or Customisable filters
Posted 2021-04-16 04:27:18
I want to suggest an idea, Currently there's no place to store trophies but the mean-while burying them works pretty well that's a suggestion for another day though :)

My major annoyance is currently you can search by Rots, Uses and name though trophy items face an issue the creature's name comes first rather than item type this means you can never have all skulls/pelts/tails/paws grouped together 

Implementing a search function to tag these items to bypass the alphabetical filter for only trophy items and instead group with type would be appreciated, Skulls next to all skulls, Pelts next to Pelts, Claws next to Claws.

And or Customisable filters.. I don't know a good way to go around that though.


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