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🏔 Fierce Grace 🏹 - Pack Tracker - Dawn of Time ☀

Posted 2020-12-04 14:39:12 (edited)

71st Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Howlite ran away

~ Zkxita aged up into an adol

~ Tyka bred to lady Betje from another pack! 

~ Tyka in his victory now owns the 47th brown bear paw trophy!! Hooray! 

~ Kai can free retire at 7 yrs and 6 months. Holding back on retiring him. 

~ Ivy gets an open wound

~ It is decided that instead of changing out every three days, Dr. Peppercorn must first reach 30% prof, then this system will be implemented into the pack. 

~ Ivy meets with a male of interesting teachings, one of respecting that of Mother Nature and Father Sky. She was very interested in these ideals, and so when the female came back home, she spread the word of these teachings and ideas to the pack. Some thought her weird, a few gave her suspious looks. Tyka curiously looked at her, then to September, whom looked thoughtful. 

Respecting the Earth, the world they live upon, has always been something they respected, but with Ivy's words, they began thinking of how to further respect their Earth. 

September, the experienced mother of the pack, knew Ivy was pregnant after a moon, her suspicions about her having begun a half-moon ago. When the pack found out, they were at first not very happy and nervous. There were already so many mouthes to feed, and it was winter! Would these pups be born into winter? When will they be expected to arrive? 

September assures the pack that these pups are likely to arrive by next season. Ivy smiles at them. " Don't have worry about these pups... They are a gift from the Earth, Mother Nature and Father Sky themselves... These pups will be strong, loyal, and full of peace. They will come and change Fierce Grace forever. This litter is a blessing, and Fierce Grace needs to respect it if there is to ever be true peace. " 

The pack was still unsure, but Ivy's words were encouraging and assuring. Maybe another litter wouldn't be so bad... 

~ Blizzard prepares her leave.

~ Redmask returns to the pack from the Glacier with parasites! Yucky ticks :( 

This would also be her first illness, I believe.

~ Grizzly never got an illness in his time! I forgot to mention that :D 

~ Noting down where Mor'du and Micheal Scott descendants are in Fierce Grace, as I'm personally going to be avoiding these two. Micheal Skarn is on watchlist. 

Any of the leaderboards studs are also to be avoided/watched. 

~ Three new puppies have been brought to Fierce Grace's care, NightshadeSunshine, and White Sun. Their stay is not guaranteed to be perm, but Fierce Grace has promised to take care of them as if they were their own until they either have a place in the pack, or find a new home elsewhere.

~ Bred to lady Willow of another pack! :D

~ Hazel gets an open wound

~ Wow, a person actually made their way to my block list! :) Note: if you ever see a trade meant to be a refund, please just BO and set up the trade back to that person with no or little cost to them. Seriously. Don't be a toxic snake, and you might get rewarded! I was very willing to give the person 2 GC and a RMA for their kindness if they came back to me first, but they did not, so... I gave them a hard block instead. 

~ *whispers* Division got an open wound.


Posted 2020-12-05 13:05:23 (edited)

72nd Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Grizzly... got an illness today. Pffttttt, okay, buddy. I think he has constipation, seeing as he is frequently squatting. 

~ Sunlight aged up into an adol and became a neophyte! 

~ Weasel's litter weaned! 

~ September needs to be nested! 

~ We have three adols growing up by RO that needs space... Kai might need to retire early, afterall. Moonwing, Lakeshine, and Redstone. Honeymilk should also be growing up today, but she lives in another pack now. Redstone is already planned for leave, and Fierce Grace already has one slot open. 


~ Nevermind, Grizzly has had cystitis. Smh 

~ September, on a side note, has 444 stats. :) Anyways, she should be nested by the end of the day. 

~ Late on curing Division's open wound

~ Updated FT to include Deciduous, whom gave birth to three males today. CountyDrown, and Unnamed

~ Updated FT to include Falcon's second litter of pups and the father's side. Pups: UnnamedUnnamedUnnamed, and Unnamed. All pups are reserved to be bought out by four different players. 

~ A young unnamed puppy comes to Fierce Grace land followed by a pupsitter, the pupsitter looking to sell the pup to the first pack that gives 30 cones for her. 

Red, white, black eyes... 

The pack was unsure about her, in fact they didn't want to buy her... But there was something just so intriguing... Red coat... Black eyes...

September is the one whom convinces the pack to let her in. 

They welcome, Red, titled as a Enchantress, forfeiting the cones to the pupsitter. 

(I know this is lazy af, but I don't feel like writing and never had for the tracker, but loree....) 

Rabbithide finds a lovely new home! However, with his leave... Comes Muffin?


Posted 2020-12-06 01:42:33 (edited)

73rd Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Redstone ran off to find a new home. No one heard of him since. 

~ Lakeshine disappeared.

~ September... Was not nested. Only one of her three pups lived to breathe the fresh, cool air, a pup born of fire itself. Fiery strength matched with a look of flame. His name, Kenjk. He shall be apart of the future. 

The pack is heartbroken for the two that did not make it, bringing them away, but still in the territory, to let Mother Nature reclaim. September is quiet. 

~ Five to grow up by RO. 

~ Kai to early retire 

~ Hunter party names to be redone

~ Kai is the first Fierce Grace member to retire to the dynasty. He will be remembered as one of the strongest hunters Fierce Grace has known, loyal and strong, despite his occasional sarcastic remarks. He too shall be mourned. 

~ Moonwing now an adult

~ Lakeshine returns to the pack, also an adult. With her return, she brings the unfortunate news of Redstone's death.

~ I'm poorer than ever

~ Oxblood, Tserebus, and Tsovina decide to leave. 

Kassineal and Birchwood are sad to see Oxblood go, and it even looked like Oxblood looked regretful, but his choice was firm. He needed a new home.

Jakuel thought about leaving, too..

~ ⚡ FS lost Kai, 🗝 SC lose Oxblood, and Ivy decides to retire from 🔥 WF to worry more about her young. 

Plans for Replacements - 

⚡ - Glacier

🗝 - Moonwing

🔥 - Lilac

~ Bird, Shadow Taker, Tsovina, Tserebus, and Oxblood need to leave before I do my next RO

~ Wait! Jakuel wants to leave, meaning he is to leave, 🔥 WF as well... Redwood is the only original of the hunting party left.

Plans for Replacements - (Revised)

⚡ - Glacier

🗝 - Lilac

🔥 - Moonwing & Lakeshine 

~ September encouraged Ivy to nest early.

~ Bat, Glacier, and Lilac moved up to the main cave

Red Devil, and outside female, is expecting Tyka's pups!

~ Samara gave birth to four of Tyka's pups! They are... UnnamedUnnamedUnnamed, and Unnamed! Three males and one female.

Updated the FT to include Samara and her offspring.

~ The hunting parties redone! 

There are now three official hunting parties, and that is...

- Ferocious Moose (previously ⚡ Fierce Slashers) 

- Graceful Caribou (previously 🔥 Wildfire) 

- Vicious Blacktails (previously 🗝 Sharp Call) 

Rejected Ideas the Founders, Co-founders and/or the leads of the parties thought of...

- Blacktail Slayers for 🗝 SC's name change (they wanted the parties to respect the animal they represented)

- Ferocious Caribou for ⚡ FS's name change (they decided the strongest of the deer family should represent their strongest and their first party's name) 

- Caribou Gracefoot for 🔥 WF's name change (they liked Graceful Caribou better)

Additionally, new rules have been added to join the hunting parties listed above. The current members of the parties may remain as is.

To be able to join the FM's party, the wolf must meet these requirements...

- 300 or more stats

- Romantic/Aggressive personalities, unless rare exception is granted

To be able to join the GC's party, the wolf must meet these requirements...

- 200 or more stats

- Friendly/Stoic personalities, unless rare exception is granted

Any wolf that succeeds the trials to become a hunter is able to join VBS, regardless of stats or personality. 

The requirements are subject to change as the pack grows stronger and better! 

Trials to Becoming a Hunter 

- A hunting party of a singular individual is to be made

- A max of 5 hunts per trial wolf is allowed to be sent out per day

- Their data of how each trial wolf does each hunt is to be recorded in their bio

- During their trial, the trial wolves are to pull their own weight to prove they are worth being in a hunting party and able to provide for the pack. If a wolf reaches 20% hunger, they fail.

- The trial last up into the wolf either gets a place in a hunting party, or another wolf out does them 

- If a wolf fails, they can not be a hunter. What happens from that point is the choice of the leader of the pack's choice.

Additionally, the roles they are planned for/are apart of in their hunting is to be listed in their footnote, as well as if the wolf is a trial hunter or not.

Trial hunters take up the title 'Young ___', representing the hunting party they are testing to be apart of. For example, Glacier would be a Young Moose, as she would be trying out for the group Ferocious Moose.

Trial hunters unsure of the party they wish to join, or do not yet meet requirements for the one they do want to join, take up 'Young Hunter'. 

~ Trial hunters are now to stay in the Neophyte Cavern, as they are neophyte hunters.

Some neophyte hunters have been recognized! These wolves are... 

- Glacier: She is training to be apart of Ferocious Moose, and plans on being a finisher when the spot opens. Since FM only has four hunters, lead of the party September decides to let her join early, but she remains as a neophyte until further notice. 

- Lilac: Lilac is training to be a Vicious Blacktail, however her role in that party is not sure yet. Since Vicious Blacktails do not have all five wolves, the lead Burning Bush, as September had done, allows Lilac to join early, remaining as a neophyte until further notice.

She would be best as a finisher or chaser.

- Bat: She isn't training to be apart of any party specific, but she would like to join one! She would be best suited as a chaser. 

- Kaka: This young female, when of age, plans to train as a Ferocious Moose under no role specific. She would be best as a finisher or a stalker.

- Sunlight: When of age, Sunlight plans to train as a Ferocious Moose as a stalker! 

What the future could look like... (Considering ALL neophyte hunters)

Ferocious Moose - 

Stalker: Sunlight

Chaser: September 

Chaser: Division 

Chaser: Kaka

Finisher: Glacier

In this scenario, since Birchwood and Jukai are the oldest, they are likeliest to retire from the hunting party above first, allowing two additional slots. Glacier, as the strongest, will be the finisher. Sunlight, as the smartest, takes on the stalker role, and Kaka takes on the chaser role instead of the finisher or stalker role. 

Bat is not included here, since her personality is stoic. 

Graceful Caribou - 

Stays all the same, except Bat might take Moonwing's or Lakeshine's place, or Redwood's, since she is the oldest and likeliest to retire from the party first.

Vicious Blacktails -

Stalker: Kassineal

Chaser: Lilac

Chaser: Burning Bush

Chaser: Dandelion 

Finisher: Kremlin

Since she would be second best as a chaser, Lilac fits here good. If Kremlin happens to leave/die however, she will fit great in his role.

The hunters only had two successful hunts today, please 

The Ferocious Moose pull in with a elk bull just now! THANK YOU! 

* An official note that yes, I'm not writing end of day stats anymore

~ Getting closer to level 17! 39% more to go!

~ Tarrow back on duty for three days! 

~ Oh thank god, Kremlin has fleas.

✨ Now it's time to infect all the hunters with Fleeaass ✨ (might as well include the hunter neophytes!) 

Tarrow might as well make flea remedies, just in case the next update makes fleas something you rreeaallly don't want... :) 

~ The Rainforest seems quite appealing, actually

~ Hehehe, Kremlin sneakily infects the pack with his pest

Good on you, Kremlin. I knew you were worth while! Wonder what ye sis would've done

Shadow Taker leaves the pack and... Becomes a female named Poppy? Dr. Peppercorn is absolutely bewildered, and as a mad scientist (and doctor) shall look further into this. 

Jakuel finds a new home!! :'o Gunna miss that absolute charmer 

Heh heh heh, he is named Crowley now.

~ Tarrow had to relearn the remedies; fleas, healing salves, and infection balms. Smh

Surprised he didn't have to relearn open wound salves! I mean, he did have to make lots afore, but he commonly failed to recognize the symptoms and made wrong diagnoses (I mean, was it not obvious enough, happy boi???)

~ 18/19 hunts

Note: forgot to send hunters in last hours

~ Tserebus, Tsovina, and Oxblood all left the pack. (Chased)


Posted 2020-12-07 00:05:58 (edited)

74th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Age ups! Bat, Glacier, Lilac, and Bird are all adults. 

~ Glacier and Lilac are to join their respective hunting parties for their trials (they pretty much get a free pass cause I'm tired of slow hunts), while Bat goes on to be the first wolf on trial. Yay! 

~ Ivy is getting ready for her birth in a half moon! 

~ Yay, a day before the big 75! That would be three (game) years since Fierce Grace has been founded back in EA! :D 

~ Also, what the hell, Kremlin? You're supposed to be spreading the plague, you [redacted]! 


~ Owns the 4328th whale rib bone (bruh)

~ For Glacier and Lilac to be made official hunters, they each have to bring down 5 bull elks with their group! Making it fair :) 

Additionally, they don't have to follow this amount of hunts per day rule. 

~ Glacier completed her first 5 hunts for the day! On her first two hunts with her team, she got two of the five bull elks she needs. On her third, she got a cow elk. On her fourth, she got a pronghorn doe, and finally on her last, Jukai let the prey slip away. >:( 

Now starting Lilac off. 

~ Lilac with the other chasers lost the prey on the chase. She still has to catch enough to feed herself with her party in order to eat! 

A disagreement results in another fail, there being 2 stoics in a mix of aggressive romance. 

Since the party failed all first 5 hunts, the whole party only eats half a fill. Their extra hunts will be what fills their bellies.

~ Bat starts her trial hunts - maybe she'll manage to do better than the Vicious Blacktails?

On her first hunt, she let the prey slip away, so good on the stalking and excellent on chasing! 

~ Note: recognizing that parties with a trial hunter thrown in has to deal with the trial hunter's fails as a whole, if they as a team can not get enough to fill their own bellies. 

(Pups and mothers STILL eat first, so they eat the hunters fills if there's not enough for everybody!) 

~ Since it is spring, everyone is allowed to eat. Because Bat stole food, she shall not eat the next day, regardless if she catches enough for herself or not. 

Tyka has a hard time making sure no wolf is taking more than what they are supposed to, so he decided to give everyone a free pass... 

~ 16/17 hunts


Posted 2020-12-08 00:34:58 (edited)

75th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Muffin ages into a neophyte

~ Ivy gives birth to the strongest pups currently in Fierce Grace! She teaches them the ideals that she had learned from a far tribe, respecting the world as a whole, loving that of Mother Nature and Father Sky. 

The pups names are!... Cautious (despite her confident personality! ;) Also, the strongest in the litter!), Nocturne (tier two boi! 2nd strongest!), Jukaine (named after strong Jukai! Perhaps he'll be a finisher apart of a hunting party one day?), and finally but most certainly not the least, Wynticor. (She had named him a mix of the father's and Acorn's name!) 

~ Since I've never officially recognized the leads of this and that in their roles, here I am now! 

Leader of the pack: Tyka & September

Second In Command (after leader(s)): Jukai

Lead Scout: Redmask (succeeds Grizzly) 

Lead of Hunting parties - 

Ferocious Moose: September (original lead, also considered 2nd leader in the pack)

Graceful Caribou: Redwood (orginal lead, had joint lead with Pyre when he was in pack) 

Vicious Blacktail: Burning Bush (original lead)

Senior Herbalist: Tarrow (1st herbalist) 

Lead Pupsitter: Acorn (original lead) 

~ Also what the hell Kremlin, pass on your fleas dammit

~ Willow of another pack gives birth to Tyka's pups, two females and one male! They are... PumpkinCoffee Bean, and Dark Coffee

~ FT update: Ivy's new litter and Willow's litter has been added to the FT! 

~ Betje of another pack gives birth to a litter of Tyka's pups! They are...! DonJuanBessieKimmy, and Walter!

<3 Thankful to this pack, as they given the children that wilting rose emoji

Bird just found a lovely new home! Hooray! :D 

~ Fierce Grace sees their first ever exclusive wolf, Glass! She has those lovely glass eyes that won interest from the pack and was quickly invited in. She however doesn't think she'll stay, but she might. Who knows? So limited spacceee..

~ Tyka had diarrhea

~ *nervous happy noises* I've been noticed !! 

I have to reread the thread now to make sure I'm not an embarrassment to myself five minutes in the future 

Still ver excited tho! 

~ Division. Stop being a baby and get to work. ❤


Posted 2020-12-09 12:45:50 (edited)

76th Day of Dawn of Time... 

~ Rollover

~ Sunshine got pox on RO, to be cured

~ Lakeshine got fleas! Well, not from Kremlin, but she got them! Maybe she was tired of Kremlin hogging them, so she went to find her own to spread! 

~ I fell asleep early yesterday and now I'm suffering penalties hhhhhhh 

~ Since I did not feed or amuse yesterday for everyone, every wolf including trial hunters get to have a full fill and amused to the fullest cause I'm too lazy to worry about following my own rules! 

~ Glacier is doing really good with her team! 

Lilac's team needs to make member adjustments... 

Bat is doing decent by herself, but since she got less than five hunts each of her days, I guess it's fair she is allowed extra hunts if she so wishes to use them to get better. 

~ I forgot to mention that Red aged up! 

~ Lilac had an open wouunnnddd

~ Forssek needs to begone

~ Bat caught her very first prey: a grouse! :) 

~ Heck it, every wolf back into proper cave, plus I'm bumping this whole page for the fun of it


I have established dominance.

~ I just realized Bat caught a critter before a whole hunting team (they know who they are) caught a thing. Smh. 

Sheep hangs around the pack

~ The Vicious Blacktails catch their first catch in a long time!! A cow elk to the hoard, Lilac is pretty damn proud to help bring back such a kill

~ 19% more until level 17! Level 20 before New Years? 

~ I changed my mind about the fleas and went ahead and cured them. Feels kind of cheaty, y'know, and I want challenge

~ 16/17 hunts

~ Bred to Aster Pineflower of another pack! 

~ Redmask and Grizzly had a litter together, but due to weather, the two pups they had together passed away. 


Posted 2020-12-10 06:18:38 (edited)

77th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Forssek adult

~ Salvilte neeed to get yeet or bought

~ Lazy day...


~ I forgot to mention, Red Devil had her puppies! UnnamedUnnamedUnnamedUnnamed.


Posted 2020-12-11 08:01:26 (edited)

78th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Penalties everywhere! Somehow Kenjk did *not* receive one??? I ain't complaining. Kenjk weaned today.

~ Nightshade, Sunshine, and White Sun  aged up into neophytes

~ Salvilte aged up, ran away because of lack of space

~ I think I'll chase Forssek Forsserk today

~ Since I did not feed or amuse anyone yesterday, everyone gets a free pass, regardless if they failed their duties for the day. A note; I've extended the if you don't pull your own weight, you don't eat, rule to everyone that's working. Mothers, pups, adols, and retired wolves are excluded from this rule. 

Any wolf found slacking (reached 20% hunger), the leader is to decide whether they deserve a consequence or not. 

Perhaps the Lines of Grace, would have new additions made to it today?  

~ Forsserk chased

~ Tarrow to switch out with Dr. Peppercorn once Tarrow uses up all his energy

~ Falcon, sadly, has at some point passed away. Her latest litter's statuses is currently unknown. Looking back through the thread...

Update on all the wolvfers that had left Fierce Grace

Rikki - dead

Tikki - dead

Jaero - dead

Note: Jaero was apparently a scout once? But wait, he was a pupsitter? Hello? Maybe I meant to write Grizzly and September on the 15th day... but no, I don't think September was a scout long enough to scout the Riparian Woodland... I'm hella confused. Maybe he was a scout for a couple days? I dunno??? Damn wish the man was still in the game, but alas...

Jakewa - alive! 

Jakewa is now known as Dahila, currently is at level 8 with 323 stats, and has given birth to four pups, three of which is still alive. Lymph was the one that had died.

Her two living pups other than Weasel, whom still lives in Fierce Grace, is alive, but frozen in time as adols, as their players are no longer active as of late November.

These two puppers are Sunbreath, now Forest, and Saphyn, now Sap.

Jakuel - alive!

Now known as Crowley, this old man just lost his hunter role... Anyways, he is level 11 with 468 stats. He has no pups and likely never will, but he had a long good life, just reaching past 7 years! I kinda wish I had kept him...

Mariel - dead

Angie - dead

Vector - dead

Kajo - alive!

Kajo now goes by Ben, and is alive and well! He is currently level 6 with 311 stats and of course has no puppies. 

Moth - dead

Aw damn, they killed Moth! Those bastards! 

Blaze - alive!

His player inactive, my man Blaze is hanging out at level 1 with 234 stats, nothing more to write here about him.

Pyro - alive!

This amazing man is a level 10 with 433 stats with 288 completed hunts, 135 of which is successful. It looks like at some point he has been a scout, having completed 5. He's a experienced stalker!

Zysea - alive! 

Seems like this wonderful lady has received a makeover base wise! Last known as (marengo? jet? black?), she now sports that T2 dinar base instead! She is a level 5 with 245 stats, and had since leaving had two pups in her lifetime, however sadly enough, neither of them lived to see today. She is a well-trained pupsitter, as well, and seems like she does great in her pack! Zysea has also gone through a name change, and now goes by Wish You Well. What a strange wonderful and mysterious name for the mysterious lady I remember claiming back way when!

Snowmelt - dead

Hailstorm - also dead

Falcon - dead asf (heh, guess we´re not crowded asf anymore! wait, no, that was a lie...)

This man is not Tyka´s daughter, but she was named after him!

Nighthawk - alive!

Nighthawk still lives to this day wonderfully enough, and had even gone through a makeover! She now goes by Estelle, and has since reached level 4 with a bit of chasing exp.. She has had five pups in her lifetime, only three of which had survived to today. 

Grey Shine - dead

Not as lucky as Nighthawk, I guess. 

Honey - dead

Camel - alive!

The last of September´s second litter, he is frozen on an inactive player´s account.

Bear - dead

Falcon - dead

Tyka´s daughter he had named after that other guy, she has reached the end. I wonder how her pups are - perhaps I should do some digging.

Nighthawk - alive!

Alive and well, Nighthawk is level 5 with 284 stats. Of course, he has no pups.

Skylight - deader than dead

She had three pups, was once considered Tyka´s strongest puppy alive. She had three pups, two of which that actually survived, one because I bought one of them into the pack. The other was a keeper, I guess! 

Dansyress - alive!

A level 10 at 406 stats, this miss pretty lady does well in her new pack as a hunter specializing in chasing. Her name was changed to Dani, and she has had seven pups in her lifetime, only four of which had lived.

(to be completed)

~ Sheep and Glass planned for sell. 

~ Birchwood got an open wounndd

~ Glacier is doing really well on her training! She only needs one more bull elk to pass her trial!! 

Bat and Lilac are doing okay. Lighter on Bat since she is alone on her hunting, Lilac is far behind on her bull elk kills...

~ 10% more until level 17! 😎

~ 16/17 hunts

Note: the wolfver updates of those that had left will be continued on this day, though it may be completed on another, depending how long I put it off to the side! 


Posted 2020-12-12 10:19:43 (edited)

79th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Weasel's litter are now all neophytes! 

~ Redmask's four puppies are about to be adults! Just need space for them all, now...

~ Went ahead and chased Glass and Sheep. Now only need one more space.

~ Zkxita chased.

~ 5% more until level up!!

~ Redwood pregnant with her second litter! 

~ Realllyyy close to level 17... 3 more percent!

~ Molten Gold, Octvember, and Reddii has been moved to Ferocious Red Cavern! Meanwhile, Kaka remains in the Neophyte Cavern, as she would be training as a Young Moose! 

~ 13/14 hunts...

~ A BIG HECK YOU TO THE HP SYSTEM! Stuck on 98% today cause no healing salves and not enough HP to fight ANYTHING! 11 HP is just NOT ENOUGH! That's it, I'm out

(I'm ranting and bsing here, I love Wolvferden enough to keep playing) 

Just 2% more...


Posted 2020-12-13 00:19:05 (edited)

80th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Rollover

~ Redmask's first litter are now adults! 

~ Ivy's litter weaned! 

~ Neglect issues dealing with hunger in Red, Muffin, and Sunlight. Whoops! Not sorry tho tbh, kinda needed the money more, and it's totally not like I can't get enough today for them. It's spring!

Just kidding, it's summer! 

~ Early retired Grizzly for space...

The pack would remember him for a long, long time. 

Redmask is devastated. 

Molten Gold, Octvember, Kaka, and Reddii would remember him as a father always.

Birchwood doesn't seem too well. Actually, he doesn't look too sane. 

The entire pack shall mourn him, as he was a great and loyal wolf to the pack. 

What was hidden behind the scenes fell short, and Fierce Grace might never know what was lurking in the shadows for them... 

Or maybe they will. 

~ Tarrow is slow at losing all his energy

~ Let's gooooooo, level 17! 

~ As Redmask is sadly mourning her mate's death, Reddii takes over as one of Fierce Grace's loyal scouts.

~ Tyka spends his victory rolling in some poop and contracted diarrhea like a idiot silly boi.


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