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🏔 Fierce Grace 🏹 - Pack Tracker - Dawn of Time ☀

Posted 2020-10-05 07:49:26 (edited)

11th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over.

~ All the puppies doing well, except for poor Tikki, one of the new puppies that Tyka brought in yesterday. After some sneaky outside exploration, she returns with some sort of metal contraption digging into her leg, the frantic pup freed after a few moments. Judging by the smell, humans had made this... thing. 

Tyka decided both Rikki and Tikki are to come and join the main den while they stayed, not wanting any more dangers to come of the pups. 

Acorn feels really bad for this happening, his confidence over protecting the pups shattered. Tyka and Jukai both tell him to lighten up some, at least the puppy is still alive. He has to watch five pups, so it's no surprise that one of them manages to slip away unnoticed in the night. 

Tyka sits with him, his expression sullen. He tells Acorn that he could keep his role, just to be more mindful next time. 

After playing awhile with the pups and Tikki telling him she's really sorry and it's not his fault, Acorn feels better, but he has become stricter with the pups. He considers the incident more his fault then not, as Tikki was a young puppy, and young puppies have dangerous, sometimes fatal, curiosities. 

Filled with confidence, Acorn watches the pups like a overprotective father. 

~ Redmask speaks of her sister named Lliira, and how she was jealous, expressing her sadness about having to leave her family for the first time since she had arrived... She  had to leave, yet her sister was favored. She was even seen as a goddess in the other pack, the goddess of joy. Both pups shared the red mask mark, Redmask will always remember the sister that was favored more when she looks at her reflection. Why her? Why couldn't she be the one that got to stay with her mother and pa? 

Redwood comforts her friend, the adults sympathetic. Not one of them could tell that pup why she couldn't stay with her family. Then, Acorn stepped close to her, offering a gentle smile. " Maybe your fate didn't lie with your former pack, Redmask. Maybe, your paws were always meant to bring you here... To Fierce Grace. This shall be where you find home, security, a passion, and a purpose. " 

Glancing at Tyka, the leader nodded his approval, Jukai, September, and Kai sharing a smile, Tarrow looking pleased. " The stars above has a plan for everyone. The stars led you here, and so, there must be a reason why. " the herbalist says from where he was preparing yet another healing salve. " Have faith in your ancestors. As they have a plan for your sister, they have a plan for you, and all the rest of us, too. " 

Redmask felt much better with the caring and confident words of her packmates, smiling. She too, had a purpose. With a shining gleam in her yellow eyes, she sets out to be one of the strongest wolves in the pack. Perhaps, she may even be stronger than Grizzly one day? 

Birchwood watched with contempt. Stars were nothing but fables of light in the sky, he thought. Grizzly believed in the becoming a star when you die tale too, he thought in distaste. Still, he liked hanging out with the strong white and honey-colored male. 

~ Tyka victoriously kills a bull elk in battle AND earns the THIRD elk antlers CURRENTLY IN-GAME!! WHHHOOOOOOOOIO!!!! HECK YEAAHHHH! Fierce Grace shall be known for it's elk hunting abilities! 

So far, four bull elks have been hunted and successfully killed by packmates, while Tyka successfully kills two bull elks, at the aid of a lucky foot both times.

Just for future reference, I took sceenshots of the antlers, because honestly, feelings really hecking proud, man. 

Of course, Tyka buried this valuable treasure. It's way too valuable to Fierce Grace to even use any of it's uses! 

(I'm just really proud to anyone that happens to be reading this :') ) 


End of Day

Tyka: 10, 323. 75, 58, 64, 74, 52.

September: 7, 271. 55, 61, 51, 53, 51.

Jukai: 7, 316. 80, 56, 72, 53, 55.

Division: 7, 288. 47, 73, 60, 47, 61.

Kai: 7, 345. 62, 62, 74, 83, 64.

Acorn: 4, 229. 41, 43, 49, 52, 44. 

Birchwood: 7, 322. 53, 74, 74, 60, 61.

Grizzly: 8, 347. 84, 69, 70, 59, 65.

Tarrow: 5, 252. 57, 47, 46, 46, 56.


Posted 2020-10-06 08:24:18 (edited)

12th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over.

~ All the puppies are doing great! 

~ September comes down with an illness! Her symptoms are visible parasites, discomfort. My guess is that they are ticks. 

She was diagnosed with ticks! Herbert had asked Tarrow what could be wrong, and he correctly guessed it was ticks. Both Herbert and Tyka are proud, meanwhile Tarrow looks very pleased with himself! Tarrow begins mixing the tick remedy.

~ Grizzly goes scouting as soon as he woke up this morning, hard at work scouting out the Taiga.

~ A new addition to Fierce Grace has just joined the pack, Yellowjacket. Tyka just saw him, grabbed him and left the asking price for him. 

Tyka loves puppies. 

End of Day

Tyka: 10, 323. 75, 58, 64, 74, 52. 

September: 7, 272. 55, 62, 51, 53, 51.

Jukai: 7, 320. 84, 56, 72, 53, 55.

Division: 7, 290. 47, 73, 62, 47, 61. 

Kai: 7, 345. 62, 62, 74, 83, 64. 

Acorn: 4, 229. 41, 43, 49, 52, 44.

Birchwood: 7, 322. 53, 74, 74, 60, 61. 

Grizzly: 9, 365. 87, 71, 77, 63, 67.

Tarrow: 6, 266. 62, 49, 46, 52, 57.


Posted 2020-10-07 07:11:28 (edited)

13th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over.

~ Spending hell of a lot for a puppy that'll be like, 200 SC in the future. Damn. 

~ All the puppies grew up and are now adolescents! Hooray! In another tweleve days, they will be ready to age up. By that twelfth day, hopefully I have the SC I need to keep them. :') Damn. Expensive. 

~ Grizzly finally unlocks the Taiga! Tyka would take his first steps into the biome. 

~ Tyka noticed that ever since Grizzly became topdog of the pack, Kai has been getting hurt more and more, usually falling lower on the HP more than any of his other packmates. This is weird to Tyka, Kai is a stalker in his hunting party, so it's not as if he's in most of the action or has the most dangerous role. Kai however never says anything about his injuries. He looks like an undead. 

~ Acorn, while he is relieved of taking care of pups, tempoarily becomes a scout. 

Acorn works on the Riparian Woodland, while Grizzly starts on the Tundra! Occasionally, Grizzly also scouts out the desert. Ughhh, too cold! Ugghh, super hot...

~ A new wolf, Jaero, tempoarily joins the pack as a passerby, not planning to stay for long. Tyka agrees he can stay, as long as he protects the newest pup that had come from an outside pack, the puppy having been left out for dead. Tyka named her Jakewa, fond of the puppy's dutiful personality, the puppy always willing to do any task an older wolf gives her! Which, is mostly just finding a bug or helping organize the food pile. She however is usually always full of enthusiasm to do these tasks! 

~ Jukai comes home with an open wound! Oh no! Thankfully, the pack already has a couple open wound salves on paw and could take care of it quickly... Gotta diagnose him, first! :')

~ While Tyka was exploring, he came across another male in his territory. Coming over to check him out, Tyka wasn't interested in inviting him in, but something was very... Intriguing, about this male. He would normally of chased the other off by now, but the male was just so charming! Wagging his tail, Tyka was surprised when the male deeply growled at him. Refraining himself from bristling his fur or baring his teeth, Tyka came close and groomed the wolf, which in result relaxed the other, him grooming Tyka back. Happy with this result, Tyka nuzzled and touched noses with him, before howling, happy to let him join. 

Wait, don't we have an overcrowding issue? Ehh, we'll deal with it by five days! Tyka is happy to learn the male's name is Jakuel, leading him home to meet the others. September sighs when she sees Tyka bring yet another wolf to the pack, let alone an adult.

Jukai and Kai watches the male with distrust, but Jakuel's charming nature soon relieved the tensions. When Grizzly and Acorn learns of the arrival, Grizzly openly critized Tyka for bringing yet another wolf here when there were plenty to take care of already, Birchwood following Grizzly's words up and saying how it was a stupid decision. Tyka snarled at this. How dare his wolves tell him what's wrong and what is right? He knew what he was doing! If they needed food, he had plenty. Like, six bull elks should be enough, plus additional large prey to follow it up! They were *fine*. 

Acorn privately tells Tyka that they should at least be mindful of the pups when Jackuel's around, to which Tyka agrees. Common sense, right? Why let stranger hang around pup? It is far too dangerous! 

~ Heaven forbid Tarrow had to deal with fatal illnesses right as rollover is less than 30 mins away, HEAVEN FORBID two wolves had open wounds, I already had the salves, BUT THEY HAD TO BE DIAGNOSED, AND I'M EVEN POORER GODDAMMIT! 

I have 8 SC, pleaseRNGs

End of Day

Tyka: 10, 323.

September: 7, 274. 55, 62, 53, 53, 51.

Jukai: 7, 320. 84, 56, 72, 53, 55.

Division: 7, 290. 47, 73, 62, 47, 61.

Kai: 7, 347. 62, 62, 74, 84, 65.

Acorn: 5, 240. 43, 48, 49, 55, 45.

Birchwood: 7, 324. 53, 76, 74, 60, 61.

Grizzly: 9, 367. 89, 71, 77, 63, 67.

Tarrow: 6, 267. 62, 49, 46, 52, 58.

Jakuel: 1, 269. 53, 57, 51, 57, 51.

Unofficial Members

Jaero: 1, 255. 51, 52, 50, 52, 50. 


Posted 2020-10-08 00:16:39 (edited)

14th Day of Dawn of Time... 

~ Tyka rolls over. 

~ No one has died. Yet. 

~ Tyka victoriously takes a canine fang, which so happens to be the 120th in the game (heh), home to his trophy's den! Heck yeah, whooooo!

~ Jaero is ready to move on, forfeiting his role as tempoary pupsitter and currently journeying to find a new home. With his leave, Acorn takes back over pupsitting and protects Jakewa, meanwhile Jakuel take's this chance to make himself useful and work alongside Grizzly as a scout. The charming male's effects however doesn't work as well on Grizzly like it did with the others, Grizzly straight-up telling him he wasn't going to pupsit, so he better get with the program. Jakuel frowns at this, looking as if he would've liked to claw Grizzly's fur to pieces, however he was able to control his impules. Grizzly regards him with scorn. 

While Grizzly hops between the desert and tundra, Jakuel works on the riparian woodland.


Thanks, Herbert and Tarrow. :) 

~ Tyka discovers a female with a six rarity in the mountains tonight, though it is not really understood what is so special about her. She is quite young however, under two years old. Perhaps she was a chased NBW? Who knows? I sure don't. 

The female introduces herself as Mariel, and like Jaero that had previously stayed in the pack, she wasn't staying here for long. 

~ Jaero successfully finds a new home! 

End of Day

Tyka: 10, 323. 

September: 7, 276. 55, 64, 53, 53, 51. 

Jukai: 7, 322. 86, 56, 72, 53, 55.

Division: 7, 292. 47, 74, 63, 47, 61.

Kai: 7, 349. 62, 62, 74, 85, 66. 

Acorn: 5, 242. 44, 48, 49, 56, 45.

Birchwood: 7, 325. 53, 76, 75, 60, 61.

Grizzly: 9, 370. 91, 71, 77, 63, 68. 

Tarrow: 6, 267. 62, 49, 46, 52, 58. 

Jakuel: 3, 281. 54, 58, 51, 67, 51. 


Mariel: 1, 221. 45, 44, 46, 43, 43.


Posted 2020-10-09 08:16:33 (edited)

15th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over. 

~ The pack is quite happy today, working only their best. 

~ As Mariel leaves, another tempoary wolf, a young female, hangs around Fierce Grace's home. Birchwood states privately that the next wolf to want to refugee in Fierce Grace territory, he'll kill them before Tyka even knows they were there. Angie, the new wolf, heard this, and decides it'll most likely be best to leave soon.

~ Jakuel comes home with an open wound! After diagnosing and treating, Jakuel returns to the riparian woodland to scout.

Grizzly, proud to of yet gotten an illness, sneers in contempt at Jakuel, calling him pathetic. Both wolves begin to argue and fight until Tyka chases them off to go do their jobs. 

~ September comes home with an open wound, also quickly taken care of. 

~ Jakuel successfully scouts out the riparian woodland! Grizzly's and Jaero's previous help does not go unnoted. Birchwood remarks that Grizzly could've EASILY scouted out the riparian woodland in a single day without any help, if he had just put all his focus into it. 

Jakuel really dislikes Grizzly and Birchwood. 

~ Another visitor, the obnoxious Vector hangs around Fierce Grace's home to rest for awhile.

End of Day

Tyka: 10, 324. 75, 58, 64, 74, 53. 

September: 8, 294. 58, 71, 58, 56, 51.

Jukai: 8, 339. 93, 56, 78, 55, 57.

Division: 7, 294. 47, 76, 63, 47, 61.

Kai: 8, 368. 64, 63, 78, 94, 69. 

Acorn: 5, 242. 44, 48, 49, 56, 45.

Birchwood: 7, 327. 53, 76, 77, 60, 61.

Grizzly: 10, 391. 100, 74, 81, 66, 70. 

Tarrow: 6, 269. 62, 49, 46, 54, 58.

Jakuel: 4, 291. 54, 61, 51, 73, 52. 


Angie: 1, 204. 41, 42, 40, 42, 39.

Vector: 1, 257. 52, 53, 50, 49, 53.


Posted 2020-10-10 09:51:26 (edited)

16th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over.

~ Jukai takes over Birchwood, while September gets higher than Division! 

~ Everyone doing well. :) 

~ Jukai and Birchwood got into a small fight today. 

~ Division overtakes September.

~ Division and Jakuel return with an illness from their respective roles! Division had an open wound, going to be resolved quickly, while Jakuel comes home with a new illness with the symptoms scratching and scabs. My guess is probably mange.

It was indeed mange, and now both wolves are happy again! Back to work.

~ Wolves in Fierce Grace decides that red marks are very desireable, as it represents war, fierceness, and a love for their pack. However, red based wolves are a bit more controversial. One side of the pack sees red bases evil and to be avoided, while the other praises the idea of focusing on red based wolves and even agreeing wolves of red coats are to be highly respected and valued. 

Fierce Grace has come to desire any animal with antlers. The largest antlers, like those of an elk bull's, are the most desireable. Caribou antlers are most desired!

~ September falls down to 0 HP, so Tyka spends 30 of his SC to buy a healing salve, having previously had none. Giving both uses to her, September is now decently healthy at 20 HP. Phew.

~ At some point, Tyka victoriously took home an eagle skull. I'd assume it was earlier today, as he had fought a 13 level eagle and managed to win.

Kajo hangs around as yet another visitor.

End of Day

Tyka: 10, 325. 75, 58, 64, 74, 54.

September: 8, 295. 58, 71, 59, 56, 51.

Jukai: 8, 341. 95, 56, 78, 55, 57.

Division: 8, 312. 51, 80, 69, 51, 61.

Kai: 8, 369. 64, 63, 78, 95, 69.

Acorn: 5, 242. 44, 48, 49, 56, 45.

Birchwood: 8, 345. 56, 80, 81, 64, 64.

Grizzly: 10, 393. 100, 74, 81, 66, 72.

Tarrow: 6, 269. 62, 49, 46, 54, 58. 

Jakuel: 5, 301. 56, 62, 51, 75, 57.


Kajo: 1, 257. 52, 53, 51, 50, 51.


Posted 2020-10-11 10:44:42 (edited)

17th Day of Dawn of Time. 

~ Tyka rolls over. 

~ Jakewa is now an adolescent, relieving Acorn of his duties of pupsitting. Having nothing else to do, Acorn keeps eye on newcomers.

~ Thanks to a lucky foot, Tyka took down a level 17 female wolf in explore after deciding she wasn't worth befriending. He knew the majority of his packmates did not appreciate newcomers. As a trophy of his victory, he returns home with another canine fang.

~ September often leading chasers more often than Division. 

~ Jakuel finishes off scouting the desert! Tyka shall take his first steps into the biome.

Birchwood could care less, insulting Jakuel, saying Grizzly could of done the desert and tundra all by himself. Jakuel surprisingly comes back and calls him a inconsiderate *beep*, and should stay in his own lane, resulting in yet another fight within Fierce Grace ranks! Tyka doesn't know how to control his packmates very well yet, being a new leader, however even more astonishing than Jakuel snapping back, Grizzly intervenes and calls them both pathetic and that the two should focus on providing for the pack and not tearing each other's tails off! Birchwood stared dumbfounded at him, while Jakuel frowned. At another snarl from Grizzly, the two quickly retreat to go do what their supposed to be doing.

Tyka allowed a smile and was about to come thank Grizzly, but the white and honey-coated male turned a contemptuous sneer towards him, before going back out scouting, leaving Tyka confused and not knowing what to do to get his packmates to stop fighting. And to show a bit more respect for not only him, but for each other. Jakai offers advice, which Tyka takes gratefully, remaining sullen. 

End of Day

Tyka: 11, 348. 82, 62, 69, 80, 55.

September: 8, 296. 58, 72, 59, 56, 51.

Jukai: 8, 343. 97, 56, 78, 55, 57.

Division: 8, 313. 51, 81, 69, 51, 61. 

Kai: 8, 370. 64, 63, 78, 96, 69.

Acorn: 5, 242. 44, 48, 49, 56, 45.

Birchwood: 8, 347. 56, 80, 83, 64, 64.

Grizzly: 10, 394. 100, 74, 81, 66, 73.

Tarrow: 7, 284. 66, 50, 47, 56, 70.

Jakuel: 6, 316. 61, 64, 54, 80, 57. 

Revisting Pups (now adolescents!) 

Redwood: 1, 185. 36, 36, 37, 38, 38.

Firehide: 1, 183. 37, 38, 36, 36, 36.

Redmask: 1, 180. 36, 37, 35, 35, 37.

Yellowjacket: 1, 184. 35, 38, 36, 37, 38.

Jakewa: 1, 217. 41, 42, 43, 44, 47. 

Unofficial Pups (Undecided whether they'd become apart of Fierce Grace or not)

Rikki: 1, 184. 36, 37, 38, 36, 37.

Tikki: 1, 183. 38, 37, 37, 35, 36.


Posted 2020-10-12 09:24:08 (edited)

18th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over. 

~ Scouts, hunts, and herbalist set to work. 

~ As Jakuel works on the tundra now, Grizzly discovers and starts scouting out the swamp biome! 

~ With Kajo's and Angie's leave, only leaving Vector left, a wolf by the name of Moth is found and allowed tempoary refugee in Fierce Grace land. Like the others, he'll most likely eventually leave. Otherwise, no wolf has yet to complain about him...

~ Division gets an open wound today, Tarrow heals him with an open wound salve so he could go back out hunting.

~ Tyka howls in triumph after taking down a level 13, him being currently level 11, Frenzied Razorback in Riparian Woodland without the help of a lucky foot. Perhaps it was always meant to be an easy victory, or perhaps Tyka is really getting good at beating some--

End of Day

Tyka: 11, 349. 83, 62, 69, 80, 55.

September: 8, 297. 58, 73, 59, 56, 51.

Jukai: 8, 343. 97, 56, 78, 55, 57.

Division: 8, 314. 51, 81, 70, 51, 61.

Kai: 8, 371. 64, 63, 78, 96, 70.

Acorn: 5, 242. 44, 48, 49, 56, 45.

Birchwood: 8, 348. 56, 81, 83, 64, 64.

Grizzly: 11, 418. 103, 80, 91, 68, 76.

Tarrow: 7, 284. 66, 50, 47, 56, 65.

Jakuel: 7, 333. 62, 68, 56, 86, 61. 


Moth: 1, 256. 49, 51, 50, 52, 54.


Posted 2020-10-13 10:40:10 (edited)

19th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over.

~ Jakuel and Grizzly sent back out scouting, Grizzly to the swamp while Jakuel to the tundra. Both boys leveled up after their return from yesterday. 

~ ⚡Fierce Slashers sent out hunting for large game. 

~ Tyka comes home with two brand new pups, as if we weren't crowded enough! They had both just weaned from their mother of another pack, and now Tyka has brought them to Fierce Grace. Jakuel spreads the rumor that perhaps Tyka is kidnapping pups, shushed by a blow to his head by Jukai. Jakuel growled at him, before hurrying off the long journey to the tundra. Both are males, and are quickly brought to Acorn so he could protect them. 

Tyka names these two pups Burning Bush and Blaze. September jokes that the anxious one, Burning Bush, kinda acts like Tyka, except a lot more worried and unsure of himself. Tyka softly chuckles, but doesn't say anything else as he admires the two pups. 

End of Day

Tyka: 11, 349. 83, 62, 69, 80, 55.

September: 8, 297. 58, 73, 59, 56, 51

Jukai: 8, 344. 98, 56, 78, 55, 57.

Division: 8, 316. 51, 81, 72, 51, 61.

Kai: 8, 372. 64, 63, 78, 97, 70.

Acorn: 5, 242. 44, 48, 49, 56, 45.

Birchwood: 8, 350. 56, 83, 83, 64, 64.

Grizzly: 11, 420. 103, 80, 93, 68, 76.

Tarrow: 7, 284. 66, 50, 47, 56, 65.

Jakuel: 7, 334. 62, 58, 56, 86, 62.


Burning Bush: 1, 228. 48, 43, 44, 49, 44.

Blaze: 1, 234. 47, 43, 47, 50, 47.


Posted 2020-10-14 08:52:53 (edited)

20th Day of Dawn of Time...

~ Tyka rolls over. 

~ Everything going well. New pups Burning Bush and Blaze are happy and well protected. 

~ Everyone sent out to do their jobs. 

~ Moth finds new home. 

~ Jakuel climbing his way up! 

~ Burning Bush speaks worrisome about his and Blaze's two brothers, Remus and Romulus, and speaks about his mother and former pack, however he's already forgotten what his pack was like. He does remember his mother though, missing her sweet-milk scent and care. He's pretty sure she looked like Blaze. Blaze growls at Burning Bush, telling him to shut up, that was their former life. They were pushed away and abandoned! One day, they'll get their revenge for what was done to them. 

Burning Bush doesn't remember it like that. He was pretty sure it was something related to lack of room they were sent away. Perhaps the other pack trusted Fierce Grace? Is that why they were brought here? Will they see their mother ever again? What about their brothers?

He then remembered his mother's name. Her name was Lottie. Blaze kind of looked like her. 

~ Redmask was sympathetic to the two pups, often spending her time with them and helping them fit in. She too was pushed out of her pack, her sister favored, her sister a goddess that had stolen her joy. She was over it now, she loved her pack and she will defend Fierce Grace with all her might, her heart, and her life. She was a true warrior, wearing the red mask her sister shared... In Redmask's opinion, she wore it better than the supposed goddess of joy. 

She then wondered, whom was it to pass her the red mask? Her father, or her mother? Was it both? 

That, she did not remember. Only, she remembered Lliira, the favored one. 

~ Vector chased away for more room.

~ Kai gets open wound, quickly taken care of.

~ A new, very helpful male by the name of Pyro, joins Fierce Grace, the male of mexican wolf descent. He immediately catches the attention of Redmask, which when Grizzly realizes how interested she seems to be in the new guy, he doesn't seem very... delighted, to say the least.

~ September comes home with an illness! This is new to the pack, the symptoms fever and discharge. Hard, but my guess is infection! 

WRONG! It's influenza. Having medicine already, Tarrow heals her and she and her hunting party are sent out.

Zysea, a strange visitor only visiting for few or less days. Though mysterious, she's very sociable! 

~ Grizzly starts actively exploring the Tundra, while Jakuel switches over to the Swamp.

End of Day

Tyka: 11, 349. 83, 62, 69, 80, 55.

September: 8, 299. 58, 75, 59, 56, 51.

Jukai: 8, 346. 100, 56, 78, 55, 57.

Division: 8, 316. 51, 81, 72, 51, 61.

Kai: 8, 374. 64, 63, 78, 97, 72.

Acorn: 6, 254. 46, 50, 53, 58, 47.

Birchwood: 8, 352. 56, 84, 84, 64, 64.

Grizzly: 11, 421. 103, 80, 93, 68, 77.

Tarrow: 7, 284. 66, 50, 47, 56, 65.

Jakuel: 7, 335. 62, 68, 57, 86, 62.

Pyro: 1, 262. 50, 54, 52, 53, 53.


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