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🍂🌰 Acorn Designs - Full or partial wardrobe designs - Contest winner - Closed to new requests 🌰🍂

Posted 2021-05-30 14:14:41

I'll send them right away! Super happy I was able to hit on something that works for you.

Since I did some extra edits + those offspring simulations, would 400 SC / 4 GC or 500 SC / 5 GC work for you?


Posted 2021-05-30 14:16:52 (edited)

5GC definitely works for me! Thank you again so much! <3

Pumpkin Cupcake

Posted 2021-05-30 14:37:07

Thank you! :)


Posted 2021-06-06 08:42:37

I'm back! <3

Wolf: Caelum!

Design Idea: I'd love to make him the ultimate prince! He's my heir and I'd love to give him that last extra zing.

Guidelines: Keep his markings if possible! Opacity can be changed though. I just want him to be perfect with all 10 markings that all merge together! I like markings for him that are soft and blended.

# Of Markings: 5 added total! In the slots that are empty at the moment.

Payment: Whatever is best! I'll pay whatever you think is fair.

Other: I'd like a couple options if that's okay! He's my first T3 bred into my pack. I know it's not a lot to work with but I hope he works okay with you!

Pumpkin Cupcake

Posted 2021-06-06 09:00:32 (edited)

Ooh, thanks for choosing me to help design your heir! He's already very eye-catching.

I'll definitely do several options, I'm thinking one lighter and one darker, and whatever else I stumble upon while trying things out in the wardrobe.

Pricing-wise... would 5-8 GC work, depending on how fast I hit on the right design?


Posted 2021-06-06 09:33:40

That sounds great! A more than fair price. c:

Pumpkin Cupcake

Posted 2021-06-06 10:17:33

Ok! So first up I have two blendy designs that work around his marks and attempt to make him pop just a little more:

And then I have a dark and a light design, that are probably less subtle than what you were after:

And finally I had some fun with a Luna mark:


Posted 2021-06-06 10:42:00

Woah, they're all so wonderful! My favorites are definitely the first one and the lunar. The dark one is also really good, I love the contrast. Is there a way to combine the first and the darkest, make it an in between?

Pumpkin Cupcake

Posted 2021-06-06 10:50:55

Yep! I'll just walk my dog and get around to it after that.


Posted 2021-06-06 10:54:38

Sounds wonderful! <3

Pumpkin Cupcake

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