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🌺 Winrie's Pretty Pup Flat Sales! (Closed for now) 🌺

🌺 Winrie's Pretty Pup Flat Sales! (Closed for now) 🌺
Posted 2020-10-10 10:44:03 (edited)

Welcome To Winrie's Pretty Pup Flat Sales! 
Click Here to go to my Auctions!

This thread will be re-used for all pup's that I breed within my pack.
Make sure to keep an eye out for new cute babies being added!

!!!Reservations Closed Due To New Breeding Male In The Works!!!
Now Accepting Pup Reservations

If you are looking for something in particular, I'm now accepting reservations for future pups.

What My Stud Is Able To Produce
My Stud Is A Sky Based, Cool Light TII 

- High Stat Pups (350+)
- Lavender Base TII Breed Only
- Sky Base TII Breed/NBW Only
- Pale Base TII Base App
- Black, Beige, and Gray Inuit Unders
- Zircon Underfur
- Ice Eyes

If you have any questions on how the marking/base/eye genetics work, 
please take a look at the Grouse House Wiki Guide for Genetics

Whenever I have pups born I will go through the reserved pup list first to see if anything matches up before each pup is put up for sale/auction. I will message the user if any pups match someone's request, and from there we can talk about the price.
(Please note that the rare bases/markings are going to cost more along with the high stats)

Please fill out the forum below to reserve a future pup!

Name/ID# - 
Minimum Stats - 
Gender of Pup - 
Preferred Base - 
Preferred Eyes - 
Preferred Markings - 

Pup reservations will be noted down in the 3rd post on this thread.

(Rules are subject to change as the site grows and currency gets more rounded)

1  = 100 

-A privet trade will be made for you when that pup is off mom
-Be kind to others!
-You have 2 days to claim your pup
-if pup goes unclaimed it will be put back up for flat sale

Pup's Are In Next Post
If a puppy at anytime during it's sale dies I will let the buyer know ASAP!


Posted 2020-10-10 10:44:13 (edited)

The Pups!

Pup #1 - 

Price -   or 

Gender - Base - Mark 

Pup #2 - Stats

Price -   or 

Gender - Base - Mark


Posted 2020-10-11 10:29:00 (edited)

Winrie's Pretty Pup Waiting List
(The numbers are for me to keep track, they do not indicate how many slots are available)

1 - 
2 - 
3 - 
4 - 
5 - 


Posted 2020-11-08 14:15:34

Name/ID# - xena #914
Minimum Stats -  I prefer 400+, but 350+ is okay too :)
Gender of Pup - I don't mind as long as I can Sex Change :)
Preferred Base - Tier Two
Preferred Eyes -  White, Ice
Preferred Markings - Nothing preferred, but I would like them to look appealing.

I am hoping to find my next queen/king after I reach level 20 on my current :)

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-11-08 14:22:06

I may have a pup right now that you might like!

What do you think of this little girl?? >>Click Here<<


Posted 2020-11-08 14:25:11

Ah she is very pretty! Do you have any others? And, how much would she run me in GC/SC?

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-11-08 14:31:50

I only have one other T2 pup, he doesn't have white or ice eyes. An eye changer is only 3GC I think though :)
As for the little Ducat girl, I could do 25GC for her. (I think thats a good price for the 400+stats) lol
The other pup is also 25GC and in a trade already <3


Posted 2020-11-08 14:55:01

I'll go with the ducat baby :)

Would you let me know if you ever get any more pups of similar style please?


xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-11-08 16:05:36

Awesome! I'll reserve her for you <3

I will let you know if I get more. I'll be retiring my breeding male later this week, but I do have a very nice replacement in line. (Just perfecting his markings at the moment)


Posted 2020-11-08 17:28:06

Thank you! 

Ahh! I can't wait to see your new lead on the leaderboard :)

xena | recessive breeder

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