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Only show New Proficiency Total of hunting when it's actually new

Only show New Proficiency Total of hunting when it's actually new
Posted 2021-03-24 11:22:56

The recent update to the hunting display upon finishing a hunt adds more text to the screen by listing out the proficiency of each wolf every single time. Not only is this completely unnecessary for wolves that hit max proficiency already, it's aggravating because on mobile it forces each wolf update to now take up two lines instead of one, doubling the visual clutter when I want to do is claim my prey.

Instead, the proficiency should function like stat gain - ONLY show it if there is a change made. This would reduce visual clutter, which makes it easier to tell at a glance if someone on your team is actually gaining proficiency.

Alternatively, moving the stat box below the prey claiming box would make it much less visually offensive. For people who are just there for food, they could collect and be on their way. For people who want to see stats, they could scroll down like everyone has to do now anyway since claiming prey is necessary.


Posted 2021-03-26 17:01:06

Support this! I have no idea why it tells us the wolf's proficiency, when we can easily figure that out by going to the next tab that already lists every hunting party wolves' proficiency. I mainly play on mobile & it's such a clutter now, especially now that it also includes the new stat total the wolf gains when they get a point. It makes it take a bit longer to find where the stat gain is, rather than just looking at the end of the line, especially now that all the new information makes it two separate lines.

I would rather this mini update didn't happen at all, but your suggestion is still better than letting it be.


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