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RMAs VS Customization

RMAs VS Customization
Posted 2021-03-20 20:49:30

So, I wanna get a G1 Selene Stud, and I have 2 Options.

- Get a NBW and use the base applicator, and 10 RMAs

- Use the customization feature in the grove, and use the base applicator 

I wanna know what are the pros and cons to both options


Posted 2021-03-20 23:34:38 (edited)

Pros of a NBW:

-May start with slightly better stats than a fresh custom wolf

-Can be found for free in Explore, or cheap in the TC

-Some chased NBWs may come with RMA exclusive markings already

Cons of a NBW:

-Age varies from 1 to 5+ years, some of them are old

-Costs SC if you want to change their personality

-Costs GC if you want to change their eyes/skin/nose/claws

Pros of a Custom Wolf:

-You get to pick their eye/skin/nose/claw color for free

-You get to choose their personality for free

-Markings only cost 2GC to add, and you get to choose the opacity

-Start at 1 year old (I think?)

Cons of a Custom Wolf:

-Expensive to start with, 20GC minimum

-Wee baby stats, I believe they all start at 200?

-Customizer has limited options

If it were me... I might look for a (hopefully young) chased NBW with some of the markings you want. I've found ones with Merle, Tamaskan, Inuit etc. There's a Chased Wolf Spotting thread where people show off cool wolves they've found. If I wanted any specific markings from the customizer I'd use applicators for them, but I might leave a couple of empty slots to have fun with RMAs or future event markings. You're not limited to just RMAs or just the customizer, you can always do a combination!


Posted 2021-03-20 23:41:47

Rma Pros:

- Could choose a really nice NBW - carrier, glass eyes, special marks, high stats, etc.

- Might be cheaper than a full customization if starting with good eyes/skin/nose/claws or a few marks

- Chance for rma/breed only marks!


- Might turn out super ugly. RNG is a cruel mistress.

Customizer Pros:

- Probably cheaper!

- You can actually pick what the wolf will look like, can make ‘em pretty.

- Decent wolf - 1yo, 200 stats, possible carrier - nothing great but could be worse


- No special marks/eyes possible.

- Unless you get really lucky on the carrier lottery, will be a pretty average & bland base wolf. 


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