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How's Your Hunting Adventures?

How's Your Hunting Adventures?
Posted 2021-03-09 10:22:20

Hey everyone, I just wanted to see how everyone has been doing since the hunting update. Personally, I feel like my wolves are worse! Of course, I did also change the pack dynamic around (replaced an older wolf with a newer one), and it's winter, but man I've been struggling. 

Plus the Desert biome is hard lol :P 


Posted 2021-03-09 12:36:31

One of my teams is doing substantially worse, but another one has been doing quite a bit better since the update! They're managing 40% chances of success for large prey in the winter, and keeping the pack fed while the other team has about a 6% chance of success for large prey. I definitely need to start keeping a closer eye on stats, especially since I want to move to the taiga, but overall hunting feels more rewarding now and less 'one of my wolves died and now I'm screwed until a new one gains proficiency'.


Posted 2021-03-09 12:40:47

Oh man 40%! I'm in the desert with 98% proficiency and I'm still only at 33% for critter trails. 

May I ask where you are? 


Posted 2021-03-09 12:43:11

I'm in the coniferous forest at the moment, so not as tough an area as the desert! Now that we have percentages, I'm planning on jumping to the taiga once my hunters are up to 75% or so chances for large prey. I figure that'll give me a pretty good chance of not starving to death.


Posted 2021-03-09 12:47:37

To be honest, I haven't seen any large prey since being in the desert for a few weeks now! Mostly critter, with lots of small. I've seen a medium prey scent once. I used to live in the mountains and that just rained prey lol. 


Posted 2021-03-09 12:47:39

My hunting parties have gotten a lot worse after the update. Before I would at full synergy and proficiency bring back stuff from every hunt I send my Skyhold party on, now more often than not they bring nothing back. I just moved to the grasslands but I it was the same in mountains my pack used to be in


Posted 2021-03-09 12:49:13

I feel better now- though it kind of discourages me. It does feel rewarding but I feel kinda bad when I see a small trail and it says 20% chance. My wolves are getting better but they're at like 70-80% chance for critter so that's what I'm surviving off of.


Posted 2021-03-09 12:50:49

Lol my small trails are only at 7% right now. It hurts u__u 


Posted 2021-03-09 12:58:52 (edited)

My hunting parties have gotten consistently worse. Before the update, each of my hunting parties would often be able to bring back large prey. Since the update, my chances have just been dropping, and dropping. For large prey, all 3 of my hunting parties used to be in the high 70% range. They didn't necessarily catch prey 70% of the time, but the chances were still good. Now, my newest hunting party is under 20%, my second hunting party is around 30-40%, and my oldest hunting party is around 60%. For context, my hunting parties all have full proficiency in their roles, as well as full party synergy. This update really screwed over hunts for me, and I can't imagine starting the game out like this. My pack also lives in the mountains.


Posted 2021-03-09 13:38:43

My parties are also doing worse. Not bad enough to not keep my pack fed, but worse. Used to, I had to sell food to keep it from rotting. Now, it doesn't make it past 7 days from expiring (and typically sits at 8). I am in the grasslands, I can't imagine moving to a more difficult area.


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