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100 Cave's Raffle | Round 1 | Closed!

Posted 2021-03-10 16:02:22 (edited)

@Zero Cave 18 is also empty, and so is Cave 20, unfortunately :( It seems you looked in the wrong direction! Though there may be something this way to.... Maybe try somewhere else? 

I hope you can get one!! Don't spend to much money though 😂


Posted 2021-03-10 16:04:47

Let’s go 14 😂


Posted 2021-03-10 16:07:54 (edited)

Ahh! My mistake! I didn't remember 17 had been opened by someone else, would you like to pick another door along with 14? (Free! Because i forgot 17 had already been opened and you've already payed for that door!)

I'll accept your trade now <3


Posted 2021-03-10 16:09:26

@Zero Cave 14 is also empty sadly, but very close could hold a bigger prize! You can hear something making noise!


Posted 2021-03-10 16:09:45

19, 16 please!


Posted 2021-03-10 16:10:06

Come on lucky 13 😅


Posted 2021-03-10 16:10:44

13 is super lucky lol


Posted 2021-03-10 16:11:08

I was born on Friday the 13th so feeling lucky haha


Posted 2021-03-10 16:11:56



Posted 2021-03-10 16:16:19

@Storm Cave 16 is empty, sadly, and so is Cave 19 :( Maybe try looking a little farther away?

@Zero Not yet giving up, you move away from Cave 14 and over to Cave 13 close by! You are surprised to see a small Yellow pup with two different colored eyes sitting in a soft nest! He is surprised by you to, but he soon yaps excitedly, dropping a bone he was previously chewing on, and he bounces over to you! Congrats!! You found This W-B Yellow Het pup! I can send him to you now or you may rehide him if he doesn't interest you!

Ahh!! I'm glad you got him! :D


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