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Allow Artists To Suggest Tags For Their Custom Decors

Allow Artists To Suggest Tags For Their Custom Decors
Posted 2021-03-06 05:41:32 (edited)
(original title: "Allow Artists To See/Suggest Tags For Their Custom Decors")

Hi! I've noticed the tagging of custom decors can be somewhat inconsistent - for example:

the Rose Overhangs are tagged as Environment, but Monstera Leaves and Climbing Morning Glory are not.

Patch of Wildflowers is tagged as Environment but not Foliage.

only the red Rose Overhang is tagged as Foliage. The other colours aren't.

the Blizzard decor is not tagged as Snow.

Weather: Gentle Breeze and Rainbow Mist are tagged as Environment, while Weather: Low Fog and Rainbow Haze [Soft] are not. All four of these decors are tagged as Weather, but the latter two are not considered to be Environment

I have two recolours of the same decor - Golden Cultist Eye and Pale Cultist Eye. Golden Cultist Eye is tagged as Body Horror, but Pale Cultist Eye is not.

Pink Albino Snake Friend is not considered to be Foliage or Environment despite including a tree branch larger than the snake itself. Because the name doesn't contain any references to foliage/branches, this would make it impossible to find via tags or searching for someone looking for tree branches.

Cherry Blossom Bough is not tagged as Foliage, Environment or Trees

Patch of Wildflowers II is not tagged as Foliage or Environment.

Blood Spatter is tagged as Body Horror while Bloodsoak, Blood of the Hunt and Bloodstained Front are not.

And so on. The only one of these incongruities that I actually knew about before making this post was my own with the third eye decors.

I suspect that custom decor tagging is done by one or maybe two people at most, which inevitably leads to accidental omissions or inconsistencies given how many custom decors (and tags) there are on the site. But y'know who's invested in their custom decors being well-tagged, and willing to do it for free? The artists themselves, of course!

My suggestion is to allow artists to see the tags that have been assigned to their decors, and suggest that additional tags be added (or removed, but I doubt this is likely to come up) AND/OR allow artists to attach tag suggestions when they initially submit their decors going forward, which can then be edited by staff upon acceptance if some are incorrect. 

Lastly, you could also let buyers see the tags from the decor purchase page, and make them clickable - so say you see a nice glowy sigil decor and it's the sort of thing you're looking for, and you see it's tagged as "occult", then you can easily click to the "occult" tag and see other decors with the same theme, which you're also likely interested in. The tag list is very long and it's hard to know what exactly is on it, but if you know one or two decors with a theme you like, you could see what they're tagged as and go from there. this was added!!


Posted 2021-03-06 06:27:48

Better / more organization is always a good thing - I support! If the staff does assign tags themselves, this would probably even save them time as all they would have to do now is approve the suggested tags.


Posted 2022-01-29 03:42:07 (edited)
I support BUT I think this would add more work to the devs and it's not super necessary. I think that the devs haven't allowed artists to tag their decor themselves because they're afraid it will be misused somehow. I'd suggest that the devs create existing tags that we can use and that are very concrete so that we know exactly what to tag our stuff with and it will be easier to search for, and limit the amount of tags we can use. This decreases the risk of abusing the function by putting a lot of tags that the devs have to look at and accept before they can be shown. If we only have, say, 5 tags available to use then that encourages us to use them properly, and there should be basically no need for devs or mods looking at the tags at all, unless someone sends in a modbox or smthn about someone mistagging.
F.ex I think "Environment" is a very vague tag that can be used for basically anything


Posted 2022-01-29 04:18:21
I don't see any extra work between the staff adding the tags themselves when it's uploaded and allowing the artist to add suggested tags themselves for the staff to review at that time (that the person moderating CDs can either use or scrap/change and do it like they currently do.) Tbh actually I think the only time submitting a request for a tag change post-upload would be useful (to the staff) is as a way to clean up any current tagging inconsistencies. Also idk if it would help much with the problem if you could only suggest from ~5 tags out of the big list? Since staff would probably eyeball the same choice as you from a short list I'd guess?

I think the available range of tags are a bit unbalanced in general tbh, which is a large part of what creates/created (I haven't checked recently uploaded decors to see if the same sort of thing still happens) these inconsistencies, the kinda semi-synonymous or vague tags - like there's 'flora' 'trees' 'plants' 'deciduous' 'foliage' 'forest' 'rainforest' 'jungle', but not even 'gold,' a really common material/theme for pieces. I feel like it'd be too much of a pain to mess with current tagging without artists manually doing it for their own decors though so I wouldn't suggest changing the currently available tags.


Posted 2022-01-29 07:04:58
If an artist wants to just eyeball the available tags that's fine but that's also why we would need a limit to the amount of tags we could apply ourselves without moderation. If an artist goes through the list and picks all tags that could possibly have anything to do with the decor, and it adds up to 15 tags or mire, that surely goes a lot faster but it will result in less accurate tags and making it harder to search for specific items imo and would create more job for the mod/dev to see if the tags are actually accurate, if they care to do so. If we have 5 available tags to use, we would feel motivated to go through the tags and pick the most accurate ones from the start. A decor shouldn't need more than 5 tags either and if it does I feel like the tags would be either too broad or too specific. If artists can add tags themselves and choose carefully which ones to use, staff wouldn't need to be involved at all. Tags are only there to make it easier when searching for a decor to buy.


Posted 2022-01-29 21:03:14
Oh! My bad, I thought you meant 5 total usable tags rather than the ability to choose a total of 5 tags out of all the available tags, I getcha. :)

I'm still not sure that would help with the problem the suggestion is about though (that decors get accidentally omitted from tags they should be find-able by based on the other contents of the tag, see OP for examples, or added to tags that other decors of that general type aren't added to, like blood spatter being under Body Horror but the other bloody ones not.) Maybe staff just need to have more controlled definitions on their end, like what gets something tagged plants vs flora or jungle vs rainforest.

"Tags are only there to make it easier when searching for a decor to buy." Yeah, the problem I see is there's lots of decors that are missing tags they ought to have (and also the occasional one that doesn't really need the tag), making tags less of a consistent way to find all the decors relevant to that theme/subject.


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