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The House of 100 Doors - Round 1 | Win Mutation Carrier, Breedings or GC!

The House of 100 Doors - Round 1 | Win Mutation Carrier, Breedings or GC!
Posted 2021-03-04 02:17:59 (edited)

Welcome in the House of 100 Doors!

You enter an old two story house at the edge of the city. I seems abandoned yet tidy and clean.
You step into the entry hall and see... Doors!
They are everywhere! In every shape and color you can imagine! 
And every door has a number from 1 to 100 written on it!
What will you do? 
Open one of the doors to find either a big surprise




What can you win?

This TII Melanism Carrier Found in Room 4
This cute Albinism Carrier  Found in Room 82
10 refunded Breedings to my Selene Stud
> 5 GC  Found in Room 51!
> 10 GC  Found in Room 100!

How can you enter

You must buy a ticket to open a door. 
A ticket is 1GC or 75SC!
You can buy any amount of tickets.

To open a door, you send a trade with the Currency amount for your tickets and tell me in this thread which door  (or doors) you'd like to open.
I will tell you if you won a prize or found nothing behind it.
Doors already opened (GoogleDocs)

Questions? Just ask!
Good Luck!



Posted 2021-03-04 02:39:37

May I open door 17 please?


Posted 2021-03-04 02:53:52


Excited you open a big door with the number 17. It squeaks when you open it. Behind it you find.... nothing. 
Sadly, there was no prize behind this door. 


Posted 2021-03-04 06:31:58

This seems fun! May I open door 7, 68, and 70 please?

I'll set up the trade now ^^


Posted 2021-03-04 07:26:58

Of course! Three doors peak your interest. But after opening one after another you find nothing behind them. :(

96 doors to go, all five prizes are still hidden behind them.


Posted 2021-03-04 07:36:24

Hey, I would like to open doo1 18, I am making the trade ready!


Posted 2021-03-04 07:41:11


Thank you for the trade. As you open door 18 you encounter... nothing. Maybe you will have more luck with another door?


Posted 2021-03-04 07:42:38

Haha, okay. I will try door 36 as well :P


Posted 2021-03-04 08:15:12 (edited)

Oh, thats fun, I'll send a trade with 3 GC

I'd like to open the doors with the number 6; 13 and 66

Sapuna Glandar

Posted 2021-03-04 08:19:33

77 and 79 please :)


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