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Fishing Game: add ability to submit while deciding to keep or throw second fish

Fishing Game: add ability to submit while deciding to keep or throw second fish
Posted 2021-02-22 01:17:56 (edited)

Meant to post this in game development, but I can't seem to move it now, sorry!

I only just made my account today, but I am absolutely loving it, especially the fishing game. While playing it though, I found one thing that bothered me.ย 

Here's the situation: If I am on the screen where I decide to keep or throw a fish, I am not able to submit the fish I am already holding.

Ex: I am holding fish A. I pull fish B out of the water and can now decide to keep or throw. My timer is up and I am now able to submit fish A. But, I must keep or throw fish B before I can submit fish A.ย 

I would like to be able to catch one fish, submit the one I was already holding to make room, and then keep the fish I just pulled out of the water. (In the example that would mean submitting fish A and then holding fish B) I like to keep fishing and fishing and replacing my held one as I catch better fish, but sometimes I am holding one I want to submit and on the decision screen for another I want to submit. Since the timer is already finished and I am able to submit that fish, I think I should be able to do it even while I'm on the decision screen for another fish.

This is something I automatically assumed was possible, but since it isn't I wonder if there is something in all the coding/development stuff that would make this very difficult to do. I also haven't seen anybody else mention this so maybe it's just me that thinks it's a problem. (not really a problem, but a place for possible improvement)

Damien Lock

Posted 2021-05-23 22:50:23

Support! This seemed like an error when I first encountered it.

In a similar vein, I've also considered having a "net" that can hold a single fish for submission, which can be used to supplement a submission if nothing good was biting, and/or is automatically submitted at rollover in the pending the user's timer would have allowed them to do so.

Sometimes multiple timer cycles can go by before I catch anything worth submitting IMO (< 5lbs). Other times I'll catch something decent, only for it to be almost immediately outdone by a larger catch.

Other times, I'll want to keep a rare (but low weight) catch on hand for the SC if my ultimate goal is to land somewhere on the leaderboard (which at the moment isn't too terribly time consuming, even in starter biomes).

For instance, right now I still have 40 remaining SC until I hit the 100 cap for the day despite being placed fairly solidly on the leaderboard. It'd be nice to reward/respect player's time by allowing them to keep a single (in this case, rare) catch on deck for when it is the best available option for them. Having this this mechanic scale [based on total weight submitted per account or some such] might also give people more of an incentive to play, especially those who are limited on time.

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