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Reward (non-SC) for Removing Wolves

Reward (non-SC) for Removing Wolves
Posted 2021-02-10 12:21:10

In a sort of user story format:

As a user/wolf-breeder, I want there to be fewer wolves kept in the market so that the supply goes down some and prices will rise. Chasing wolves (or perhaps some new method of removing them) and keeping smaller wolf packs should be incentivized.

More detailed:

While I know that there are some people who are (wisely) grabbing up potatoes off the market and yeeting them to help with the overflow of potatoes, I think they are fighting an uphill battle.

The natural inclination of the user is to want to breed many wolves lots of times, as this is largely a breeding game. It's exciting to see what you get.

Despite the implementation of breeding cooldowns, fertility, mortality, inability to complete jobs while pregnant, etc... there is still obviously an overflow of wolves to be sold that exceeds the demand for them.

I propose having a new feature to reward people for removing wolves from the game, however I do not think it should reward in silver cones to prevent inflation in that area.

Rather, I suggest it either be some kind of unique item, trait, or possibly even a small stat boost to wolves that remain in the pack. The exact implementation of this idea is unimportant to me, as I cannot possibly take all game balance issues into account.

I do think there are definitely limits that should be placed on it. Possibly a limited number of times per day, as well as lots of elements of randomness. For example, if it were a stat boost, it should go to a random wolf in the pack.

Possible consequences: A reward system for removing wolves could accidentally result in MORE wolves being bred in order to make as many sacrificial potatoes as possible. One other limit that could potentially mitigate this would be to make the rewards or the number of times it can be done inversely proportional to the number of wolves you have. If you have tons of wolves and are breeding lots of puppies or picking up every NBW you see, you would either be able to do this fewer times per day or get a lower reward, or a lower chance at the best rewards. This would mean it could give newbies more of a leg up and also encourage people to not have insanely large wolf packs, but as long as the chance of the best rewards (if items/stats/etc) remains possible it hopefully does not come across as a punishment for having lots of wolves. I don't think it's fair to punish people who like to breed lots, but unfortunately lots of wolves does hurt the market, which is why I am proposing incentivizing removing wolves and having small packs rather than something like increasing mortality for puppies.


Posted 2021-04-18 05:26:30

I like and support this idea


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