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Adopting out possible mela and albino carriers to newbies

Adopting out possible mela and albino carriers to newbies
Posted 2021-02-03 16:03:22 (edited)

I apologize for the informality of this thread but I don't have the patience to format a whole html setup. All puppies in my den save for albinos and melas are for adoption unless otherwise specified in their name or footnote. 

All pups in THIS DEN are up for adoption 

*A 'newbie' is someone who's account has only been active for 2 weeks or less. If I get no adopters once they become adols I will expand that to 30 days or less. 

*You may claim one pup per day with a max of 3 pups in total. 

*You may 'reserve' pups but if you don't accept my trade in 12 hours they're fair game. 

💫Andromeda Eternal💫

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