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Snake quests - equal chance, or not?..

Snake quests - equal chance, or not?..
Posted 2021-02-03 13:21:54 (edited)

I wonder, was it ever stated how are snake quest chances distributed?

Are they supposed to be random and equal, or weighted towards one kind of quest?

Im asking because Im getting too many hunt quests. In the past month, I got:

5 collect quests

7 slay quests

!! 20 hunting quests !!

20 is just... way too much, to be a bad RNG. That's four times more often than each other kind of quest rolls! Its either the hunting quests are meant to be more common, or it is definitely a bug...

Mad Hyena

Posted 2021-02-03 13:42:14

This would be an interesting thing to track. I feel like I've been getting a ton of hunt/slay quests, but I went back through my user log to 11-08 and found this:

Hunt: 26
Slay: 29
Collect: 33

Throughout January, I had:

Hunt: 7
Slay: 11
Collect: 13

So either RNG really hates you or something weird is going on with it.


Posted 2021-02-03 13:45:45

That's really strange. Could it be tied somehow to hunting party proficiency? Ill try disbanding a hunting party and seeing if that'd help cure the RNG curse. T_T

Thank you for your answer!

Mad Hyena

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