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Custom Decor - 5 GC goes into the void??

Custom Decor - 5 GC goes into the void??
Posted 2021-02-02 08:17:41

hi there !! 

does anyone know what the H-E-double hockey stick is up with the game taking back 5 GC from custom decor sales ?? 

whenever you post a decor for sale, 5 GC is tacked onto the sale price that you set (meaning if you price your decor for 5 GC, the game will list the sale price as 10 GC, and you pocket 5 GC from a sale). 

it's very infuriating honestly to think that 5 GC is just vanishing into the nether..

I can be consoled if I knew where that GC was going? is there some weird site currency thing I don't know about?? 

thanks in advance <33


Posted 2021-02-02 11:01:57

It's to keep custom decor from completely overriding in-game decor. Decor from the raccoon is an SC sink. Custom decor is a GC sink.


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