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Changing stud male help?

Changing stud male help?
Posted 2020-10-05 09:49:47


I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but I think I just messed up. I removed my main studding male so it would allow me to customize them in the customizer since it wouldn't allow me to otherwise. I didn't realize until afterwards that it won't allow you to resubmit the same male as your stud. (mostly my foggy brains fault.) I was wondering if there was any way at all to resubmit the same male as your stud somehow? Or can I only use a different male as my stud now?


Posted 2020-10-05 10:01:25


Unfortunately once a breeding male has been retired, they will not be able to take on this role ever again. :( 

This member is an Admin. Shad

Posted 2020-10-05 10:04:50

Oh ok, I figured. ^^' Thank you so much!


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