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Post observations you have about Fishing

Post observations you have about Fishing
Posted 2021-01-27 15:17:59

For info: I did the first day of fishing in the Prairie, but moved to the swamp like an hour ago.

Post all the info you have about fishing for other players! I'll go first.

In the prairie, a certain species of rare fish (Pikeminnow, I think) is relatively common at nighttime.

The small pools near the top of the fishing tab tend to have rarer fish.


Posted 2021-01-27 17:36:02
I frequently, when I successfully hit the green, get rarer, better fish when the green goes quickly around the circle! It's always good to have patience when getting ready to catch a fish, to give yourself the best chance to hit green, especially when it's a fast one! :D 


Posted 2021-01-27 18:18:48
It appears that the closer to the center the bobber goes, the bigger the fish. Ones you only barely got are always small.

Posted 2021-01-27 21:13:09

ok, am i the only one who's a bit confused where "regular" fits in the rarity scale? is it... is it more common than common?? between common and uncommon???


Posted 2021-01-28 06:41:25

It goes Common-Regular-Uncommon-Rare-Legendary


Posted 2021-01-28 09:02:21 (edited)

My observation is that once again fishing minigames will be the death of me


Posted 2021-01-28 12:24:15

Holy shit the most ive ever gotten is like 30 pounds
but i do stop fishing once i hit the SC limit


Posted 2021-01-28 18:25:08
When it rains, fish are more difficult to catch but also more often to be found rare or heavy.


Posted 2021-02-08 13:36:46

TIL: If you accidentally close your fishing tab during the cooldown period, you can reopen the game, and the fish will still be there.



Posted 2021-02-08 13:39:38

That's good news! We will no more rage when losing a good fish! 


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