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🐟 Fish Guide 🐠 [Abandoned project]

Posted 2021-02-17 06:42:39 (edited)

FISH: Green Sturgeon
RARITY: Common | Regular | Uncommon | Rare | Legendary
DELICATE MEAT if submitted: No | Yes
SIZE if submitted: 22 lb & 4.99 oz
BIOME: Coniferous Forest
TIME OF DAY: Day | Dusk | Night | Dawn
WEATHER: Clear | Cloud | Fog | Hail | Heat | Rain | Sleet | Snow | Storm | Sun | Wind

FISH: Green Sturgeon
RARITY: Common | Regular | Uncommon | Rare | Legendary
DELICATE MEAT if submitted: No | Yes
SIZE if submitted: 42 lb & 8.79 oz
BIOME: Coniferous Forest
TIME OF DAY: Day | Dusk | Night | Dawn
WEATHER: Clear | Cloud | Fog | Hail | Heat | Rain | Sleet | Snow | Storm | Sun | Wind

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Posted 2021-02-17 09:30:06

@ Hide Behind, are you sure you submitted the info correctly? It says the 22lb sturgeon gave delicate meat, but the 42lb one didn't.


Posted 2021-02-17 09:39:36

@ Skudde, oop all fixed now mb

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Posted 2021-02-17 09:40:46

Thanks! I'll try to go through the new data today or tomorrow. I've been working on the guide itself behind the scenes, but due to how many fish there are the progress has been slow. It's starting to look good though. ;)


Posted 2021-02-17 09:44:49

I agree, it already has so much info! Thank you for your hard work sorting through so much data.

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Posted 2021-02-18 14:33:38 (edited)


  • Golden Redhorse size error has been corrected, thanks to woollydaisie for that!

  • Rarity data for ALL fish is complete! I have removed rarity question from the submission template.

  • Season data for ALL fish is now complete! While perhaps rates might change by each season and biome, most fish are obtainable every season. Only a handful were found to not appear in the summer, but aside from that it's a very straightforward matter. Once summer rolls over again, I'll do a double check of the fish that weren't caught last summer to be sure.

  • We got a bunch of confirmed sizes for several fish ayyy! There might be very specific variations (1lb not giving meat but 1lb 0.01oz giving meat for example) but I'm not sure how productive it would be to try to pinpoint all 180 fish with such specificity. Especially the rare legendary ones are never going to be fished enough to do that with.

  • The actual guide itself I'm making for peeps who don't want to use the google sheet will be divided by biome. So instead of seeing a list of fish, you'll have a section for each biome, listing fish obtainable there in order of rarity. I think that will be the most useful way of presenting the info, since most people won't be interested in where specific fish can be caught, but instead which fish are obtainable in their area.

Each fish info card will look something like this:


Posted 2021-02-20 04:52:08 (edited)

Another update!

While collecting data on biomes I noticed some inconsistencies that might be due to errors and need confirmation. I added these to the starting post as well.

Current mysteries:

  • Does Lake Whitefish appear in Tundra? It appears in both biomes surrounding it.
  • Does Warmouth appear in Prairie? It appears in both biomes surrounding it.


Posted 2021-02-20 05:22:02

I can personally confirm western pond turtles are found in the coniferous forest.

Hide Behind

Posted 2021-02-20 06:07:01

Perfect! That fixes that, thank you for sharing the info!


Posted 2021-02-20 10:48:30

Hi - glacier also has twohorn sculpin which is an uncommon fish.


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