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Adding gender symbols to the sex-changer UI/Menu

Adding gender symbols to the sex-changer UI/Menu
Posted 2021-01-24 00:37:57

While this isn't a massive suggestion a rather minor one I think it'd help a lot now personally when I sex change wolves it's not usually 1 or 2 it's usually 10+ so often times I have to have 2-3 tabs open to make SURE I'm sex changing the right ones which can be annoying especially if my pea-sized brain goes and forgets to double check which could lead me to waste sex-changers on a wolf so then I have to waste more to change it back to what I want so I'm just asking for a simple UI change

This is what the current UI looks like    


This is what I mean

I think the only people that are needed are coders for this? But anyway thanks for reading through my thread 


Posted 2021-01-24 00:43:56

Support for sure! Most of my wolves are pretty easy to sort through, but it becomes a hassle when it comes to the potential carriers and figuring out which ones I need to sex change. Having to go through and rename all the ones that need sex changed is time consuming and would definitely be a lot easier if their was a little symbol in the drop down menu! I've already wasted 3 sex changes doing this once before, being able to tell the genders without having to jump between pages would be amazing.


Posted 2021-01-24 00:49:30


I couldn't agree more while name changing 1-4 wolves isn't that big of a deal but when it comes to potential carriers it can be a REAL hassle to name 10-20+ wolves


Posted 2021-01-24 15:20:34

Support! I often sex change the males from my low fertility litters (i had one pop up as a 1% after changing one time and have always changed them since) but im always double-triple checking that im changing the right ones, even if theyre named correctly.

If sex changers were cheap I wouldn't be bothered, but the fact that they cost GC means theyre a pricier item to buy. I've personally never made the mistake, but it would mean having to buy 2 extra changers- making it 3x the original cost for one error.


Posted 2021-01-24 21:40:30

Support. It's a pretty minor visual change but it'd be helpful for wolves that are the same name to make sure you're picking the same one.

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2021-01-26 01:57:44

I do support, because I can see how usefull this could be and it works really well for the breeding pairs, so I think it'll be good for the sexchangers as well.

However, I would like to offer the way I deal with sex changing my wolves 
(I never have a lot of wolves to sexchange at once, but my way prevents me from confusing wolves with one-another)

I'm seeing a list of names with wolves all named  variations"Potential Carrier???"
It's not really a surprise to me that you need to double check which wolves to change.

The way I do this and how your problem coud be relatively easily solved, is by using numbers.
'Potential Carrier? 1'
'Potential Carrier? 2'

This way you can write down the numbers corresponding with the wolves you need sexchanged and are less likely to change the wrong wolf.

CowgirlMermaid | T2/T3

Posted 2021-01-26 02:02:19


Oh this is purely just an example image when I buy/resell wolves I typically call them "Heritageless Xbase" then add numbers lmao but I still usually have at least another tab or two open to double/triple check but even then I have my moments where I forget to double-check so then I end up accidentally sex changing a wolf that was already sex changed so then I have to waste another sex changer to change them back to the gender I want 


Posted 2021-02-14 15:57:16

Big support, as of right now I just rename the wolf I want to sex change since a lot of my wolves share names like "LF, Albino Carrier, etc"

🧊 BigenderOrthrus🧊

Posted 2021-02-15 15:21:44

Yes please, this would be great! I was just wishing for this the other day!


Posted 2021-02-15 22:11:31

Support! I totally agree!


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