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Looking for a level 18+ NBW/Gen 1 wolf, Male or Unbred

Looking for a level 18+ NBW/Gen 1 wolf, Male or Unbred
Posted 2021-01-21 11:46:20 (edited)

As the title says, I'm looking for a trained scout to add to my breeding program. The wolf must be male or unbred - no females that already have been bred.

I'm willing to pay 50-100GC depending on the level/stats, more if they have any special features (glass eyes, special marks ,etc).

Please post here if you have any to offer, or private message me if preferred!


Posted 2021-01-25 14:47:11

I have a level 15 NBW scout that I would be happy to sell.  She doesn't have any special markings.  She just happened to be an NBW that I found when I first started that has been scouting ever since. [Link Here]


Posted 2021-01-25 16:53:08

Thank you for offering but I'm only looking for wolves level 18 and above. Sorry!


Posted 2021-02-03 00:39:26

Hey, I could offer my Asche (, he's at Lv20 and an experienced scout. He's an NBW, fully customized so I wouldn't part with him too cheap. As I got 2 new scouting girls now, I could give him to a new home. He is nearly 7 years old, though.


Posted 2021-02-03 05:45:49

He would have been perfect but I see that he is in a pair bond and was just bred a few days ago, so I wouldn't be able to breed him again in his lifetime. But thank you anyways!


Posted 2021-02-04 14:22:21

Hi! Could I offer Morrow? She's 4 years and 3 1/2 months old with 628 stats at level 18. She is in a pair bond but she'd still have a couple of heats left in her after the cooldown. She's technically not an NBW as she was a starter wolf but I'm hoping that works too?


Posted 2021-02-04 20:52:47

Morrow is very cute! Would you take 60GC for her?


Posted 2021-02-04 22:56:32
Of course, that sounds great!


Posted 2021-03-06 23:34:59
Just got this rated NBW, he is on the older side but should still work I hope.


Posted 2021-03-14 14:05:05

Hi, I have a level 18 ex-stud if you're interested in him! He's G1 and a little over six and a half years old and not in a pair bond :)


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