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Is it worth it...?

Is it worth it...?
Posted 2021-01-18 09:12:10

Is it worth it to sell remedies to the Raccoon? 


Posted 2021-01-18 11:31:05

No, you could sell the herbs you used to make the remedies or the remedies themselves to players for more SC than the Raccoon. I’d say check out Trading Center prices to see what people are buying and selling for to get a good idea for price if you’re trying to make a little extra SC.


Posted 2021-01-18 14:14:09 (edited)

Some remedies yes, but it varies. All remedies are worth 15SC from the raccoon, but there's a lot of variation in how much they're worth on the TC. Diarrhea cures are far more valuable than that, and you shouldn't sell those to the raccoon. Hepatitis cures (which I always have extra of because I always seem to have the ingredients for it and I'm just boosting my herbalist's exp) go for 10SC on the TC though - making it more worthwhile to sell to the raccoon. Not sure about the worth of the herbs though, you may be able to get more out of selling those than out of selling the remedy, like {glass} said. 


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