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Can't find puppies to sell in my list? -ANSWERED-

Can't find puppies to sell in my list? -ANSWERED-
Posted 2021-01-17 12:45:06 (edited)

Just as the title sounds, I go to the trading center to try and sell my pups, and there's only like four or five wolves that show in the list. Searching by name just makes the list go empty

Currently the only wolves in the list are: one runt pup I bred, her brother never showed up in the list. Four adolescent wolves I bought previously. One adult wolf I bred, who just aged up today

I'm not sure if this is a game feature I don't understand or a glitch, but it bugs me a lot because I can't find out why some wolves show and some don't


Posted 2021-01-17 13:08:03 (edited)

When did you try to sell them?

Pups can't be sold until they've weaned from their mother, so if  you tried to sell them when they were 0 months-2 months (they wean at 2.5 months), they wouldn't have shown up on the list. There is also a trading cooldown of I believe 2 hours for any wolves purchased/traded or found in explore.

Edit to add: Wolves with roles also can't be sold.


Posted 2021-01-17 13:09:43

Oooh that makes a lot of sense, thank you so much!


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