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More ways to regain HP. Resting/gradual/rollover/ANYTHING PLEASE

More ways to regain HP. Resting/gradual/rollover/ANYTHING PLEASE
Posted 2021-01-16 13:13:41

PLEASE have more ways for your lead wolf to regain its hit points other than chance during exploration and leveling up and using medicines.

I don't have that much time to play this game and I find myself extremely frustrated with this system. I finally got my health back up, encounter a lvl 5 boar and think great now I can finally get some xp. My lvl7 alpha got maybe a single hit in AND I used a lucky foot. Now I have to wait lord knows how long until I can fight again. I can't even save up any salves because I always need to use them.

I get that it's dice rolls, that's another discussion but the fact that my xp bar basically hasn't moved in almost 3 real human days because this keeps happening is very close to turning me off this game, the lioden battling can also be frustrating with it's dice rolls but the counter to that is you enter each one with full health.

I would love to see changes to this as I don't think this makes for satisfying gameplay in any way and I don't see any good reason for example, why your HP doesn't reset after a rollover at the very least. Or letting your lead wolf go rest for 30-40 minutes to regain its health, making it unusable in the meantime.

I really enjoy lioden and I love wolves so I REALLY want to enjoy my time here but man, this mechanic sucks the joy out of me.


Posted 2021-01-16 13:55:57

I agree, it’s super frustrating ): all you can basically do for the first 10 levels is do snake quests to get exp, and that’s super slow.


Posted 2021-01-16 14:54:13

@Salem  YUP, I've also been very unlucky and haven't been able to complete any for a few days, really running on empty here. 

Feels like 3/4 of my explores are me waiting to get my hp back up and just pray I can have a fight or two before I need to repeat the process and I just do not see any upside to it.


Posted 2021-01-16 19:08:12

Bite until it bleeds,then spam rest and wait, you’ll find yourself succeeding way more for way less investment health and energy wise

u can also obtain healing via crafting with ur herbalist, which is pretty much the main point of havin a herba


Posted 2021-01-16 19:28:07

That's good advice, thank you. I haven't come across the mats for healing salves for a while, that plus the slow craft time doesn't really make a dent in the waiting around I just have to do. And unfortunately the fact that we need cheese strats to make anything good come of battles only emphasizes that I think it needs some reconsideration, especially right now since there really isn't much else to do in the game...


Posted 2021-01-16 19:40:43

I agree, it's very frustrating. :( I felt those annoyances when I first started here as well, and I still do. It would be nice for health to regen at rollover at the very least, so I'd definitely support that.

But, here's some stuff I've been doing to help heal my wolf faster while exploring:
— Inspect when you come across water for a chance to find a healing salve.
— Use instead of gather herbs when you come across that event.
— Rest instead of Sleep when you come across that event.
— The occasional "Recover HP" licking your paws event.

All four of those tend to heal between 2 - 5 HP in my experience; it's not a lot, and you do have to sacrifice your energy recovery to do it for the mid two, but it works for me for the most part to avoid spamming healing salves. And like Derpy said above, usually it's best to bite / latch + crush/shear until it bleeds, and then wait; it doesn't guarantee a victory, but it does save energy, and sometimes health. I'd love to love the fighting mechanics here, but I'm really hoping the balance changes coming up from the last dev update will make things a little more enjoyable, especially at lower levels.

✧ ・゚ 𝕊heepish ・゚✧

Posted 2021-01-17 05:56:28

I've already been doing all of this and I played a lot yesterday. I managed to gain 4% xp, even when trying to wait combat out...

I don't mind grinds but there's just so little player agency here, I don't think it's good for the longevity or keeping new players.


Posted 2021-01-17 06:24:36 (edited)

I definitely support this--namely the healing up for a specified amount of time whilst not being able to use your lead, and some HP being regained upon rollover like it already does with normal wolves.

I'm on this game every day and my lead still hasn't surpassed my current scout and ex-scout in terms of exp/levels because healing him so he can win a fight takes so longgg. Plus, at the level I'm at (level 10), I'm only getting about 4-5% XP per fight going up against lvl 8-12 enemies so...that's a lot of fights to get to the next level, and it only gets worse from here.


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