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Search User Log by Timeframe

Search User Log by Timeframe
Posted 2021-01-15 13:17:29

Hi everyone!

I like to search through my user log to track certain things - how often my hunters gain stats, how much exp I get from enemies, etc. - and I know a lot of other people like to do the same! I propose a feature where you can search your log for entries in a set timeframe - last 24 hours, week, month, etc. to reduce the amount of entries that the search has to dig through.

It appears that the user log deletes any entries beyond 400 pages, but even with that cap it can take multiple minutes for either the site or my potato tablet to process searches if they include common keywords. This is.. rough, and it’s crashed my browser a few times too. Being able to search through a set timeframe should not only reduce the stress on the system, but also make counting time-specific things easier!

This would take some coding. The log entries are already attached to date and times and it’s a fairly common functionality for search engines to have, so this shouldn’t be too difficult to implement? But I don’t code so what do I know, haha.

Thanks for reading, please let me know if you have any better ideas/tweaks!


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