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Add item category to trading center search

Add item category to trading center search
Posted 2021-01-13 04:25:56

We all know we can search for specific items in the trading centre, no? But what if you don't want a specific item, just some food, decors or amusement items?

Now, I know we can search a trade by name, but sometimes searching "food" or something similar doesn't exactly show you the best deals or all trades available. This is why I would suggest an addition to the General Options in the Item trade search; categories. It would make it at least a little bit easier for players who are, for example, low on food, to find something to satisfy their pack members' hunger but don't really care that much about what exactly they'll have to feed them.

My idea for the categories would be that they could either be the same as in your hoard or then a couple of the hoard categories merged, but otherwise the same. An example of a "merged category" could be decorations and backgrounds together.


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