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Melanism Pup Raffle - 10sc per ticket or items for entry

Melanism Pup Raffle - 10sc per ticket or items for entry
Posted 2021-01-12 05:01:34 (edited)

I've just had this little one born and have decided to raffle him off. I will be randomly selecting a winner when he reaches 6 months old, so he will come to you with full certainty of survival and you have the option to age him up.


- Unlimited entries

- Your tickets will be counted once I accept the payment trade

- No refunds unless the raffle doesn't get enough tickets and I decide to cancel it, in which case all entries will be refunded

- Set up trades with the ticket entry plus 1sc so I can buy them out for 1sc

Ticket Options - Comment if you have an item not listed as I may consider it

10sc - 1 Ticket

1gc - 10 Tickets

Decorations - Tickets depend on which decoration, just ask!

Random Marking Applicator - 30 Tickets

Elk Heart - 30 Tickets

Guarana - 50 Tickets

Instant Pup Delivery - 50 Tickets

Aging Crystal - 50 Tickets

Base Changer - 100 Tickets

Total Shuffle - 300 Tickets

Canine Claw - 50 Tickets

Canine Fang - 50 Tickets

Fox Skull - 100 Tickets

Grey Fox Tail - 150 Tickets

Grey Fox Pelt - 150 Tickets

Red Fox Tail - 200 Tickets

Red Fox Pelt - 200 Tickets

Tier 3 pup - 1000 Tickets

NIB Albino/Melanism adult carrier (confirmed or unconfirmed) - 1000 Tickets (dependent on me wanting the specific wolf

Tickets Purchased

1 - 10 : #32728

11 : #28457

12-21 : #34673

22 - 46 : #35222

47 - 73 : #32728

74 - 83 : #32728

84 - 93 : #32728

94 - 153 : #29444

154 - 163 : #29659

164 - 193 : #32728

194 - 213 : #14739

214 - 234 : #32728


Posted 2021-01-12 06:10:57
Sending Trade now!!


Posted 2021-01-12 06:56:43

Entries have been updated!


Posted 2021-01-12 08:29:31

Sent a trade! 


Posted 2021-01-12 08:35:18

Great :D I've updated entries again ^^


Posted 2021-01-12 10:10:07

Sent a trade :)


Posted 2021-01-12 10:17:19
Can I make another ticket entry!!!


Posted 2021-01-12 12:31:39

The tickets have been updated!

#32728 - you can make as many entries as you like up until the raffle ends :D


Posted 2021-01-12 14:57:00

Sent another trade!


Posted 2021-01-12 17:15:14

I've had to decline because you didn't include the refunded buyout amount of 1sc, please send it again with the corrected amount <3


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