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Retro Genes

Retro Genes
Posted 2021-01-12 02:53:29

We have carriers for mel and albino that can be carried out for what seems generations, but what if we had the ability to get markings, bases, skins, eyes, etc. from our wolves' genealogy? Say the great-great grandparent had marbled unders but two lines of wolves after them didn't display this marking - but lo and behold! The pup after those lines has it due to their ancestor. 

I just think this feature would be neat. 


Posted 2021-01-13 10:53:00

Oh this is such a good idea. It would spur encouragement of users to create longer lineages!

I think this has the potential to be expanded upon too, perhaps with special combination colors that are retro specific, or mutations of existing genes (eg. marbled unders becomes heavy marbled unders/retro marbled unders)


Posted 2021-01-15 12:45:20

Oh yes! That's a good idea. 


Posted 2021-01-15 13:32:51

I would really love this to happen! I also really like @AlphaAlpha's idea for the mutation of existing genes. :D


Posted 2021-01-15 17:35:40

Supported, I don't know how hard coding would be for this which would be the biggest problem i could foresee.  That would be the hardest part I think. I also like the idea of bases being able to be heterozygous for example. 


A warm and a monochrome base are bred. The resulting pup is warm, but carries a monochrome gene that means if bred to another warm with that same gene it could result in monochrome pups. It would also make breeding for specific traits more challenging, which i think would be fun. 


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